I’ll Never Be That Easy Kind Of Love (And That’s Okay)
You wanted someone easy
Someone you didn’t have to work hard to get
Someone who you didn’t have to court
Someone you didn’t have to try for
And those are the exact reasons why we couldn’t work
You didn’t want to work hard for us
You didn’t want to change for us
You didn’t want to court me
You didn’t want to try for my love anymore
And that’s why we didn’t work
why we couldn’t work
You didn’t want to work at yourself
You wanted someone easy
You wanted someone to take you for what you were
To take what you gave
You wanted someone to allow you to do what you wanted with their heart
You wanted someone to not listen to when they asked you to change
You wanted someone who was easy to ignore
You wanted someone easy
And I will never be easy
I refuse to be easy
I refuse to be simple
I refuse to be sedentary
I refuse mediocrity
I demand adventure
I demand spontaneity
I demand self-expression
I demand to be with someone who wants all of those things of me and more
We all deserve to be with someone who pushes our boundaries, who allows us to explore aspects of ourselves that we want to set free.
I demand to be with someone who will allow me to be free and uncomplicated.
I demand to be with someone who feels like an all-consuming, everlasting, safe and yet freeing love.
I will always want someone to try to love me
I will always want someone who hears me
I will always want someone who tries hard for me
I demand all of someone’s heart
I demand every aspect of your being
I will always want more out of you, always question what you’re feeling, asking you questions you find hard to answer.
You wanted easy love and I always demanded more