I Will Wait For A Love That Isn’t Afraid

lauren rushing
lauren rushing

I will wait for the love that doesn’t care what other people think.

I will wait for the love that pulls me up to dance when our song plays even though we are the only ones on the floor.

I will wait for the love that makes me light up when you come into the room, so much that our friends don’t even have to look up to know you’re here now.

I will wait for the love that kisses me passionately in public when the music and the lights and the moment are just too perfect to let pass us by.

I will wait for the love that sits on the same side of the table when we go out to dinner because we’ve worked all day and don’t want to spend another minute apart.

I will wait for the love that isn’t afraid of jealous friends throwing around the term “whipped” because they know you’d rather spend time with me than with them.

I will wait for the love that makes love to me as soon as we park the car in our garage because the drive home felt like an eternity and we can’t bear to wait another second.

I will wait for the love that says “goodnight baby” and “good morning beautiful” every day because saying those words is as natural as breathing.

I will wait for the love that makes old ladies we meet in the park ask when you plan to propose- because they can see it in our eyes that we belong together for the rest of our lives.

I will wait for the love that introduces me even though I need no introduction. The one that makes them stop you, look at me, and exclaim, “You’re the One.” The one we’ve heard so much about, the one he’s waited to have for so long, the one he wants forever.

I will wait for the love that is Saturdays full of adventure and lazy Sundays doing nothing at all.

This is the love I will wait for, because I have experienced it once and will never settle for anything less. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kristen Nicole

Kristen is a music lover and a country girl at heart. She is on Twitter.

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