You Deserve Better Than A Friend Who Treats You Like Crap

Vince Fleming / Unsplash

She’s the friend who’s been with you forever, but puts you down every time she can.

She’s the friend who disses you when a guy likes you; while you always encourage her and make her feel good when she’s into someone.

She’s the friend who talks about herself in every conversation, while you always give your time and heart listening to her stories.

She’s the friend who couldn’t care less about how you felt, while you are always concerned if she is upset about something.

She’s the friend who is worried if you stand out, while you always put herself before you.

She’s the friend who is perfectly aware when she’s letting you down, while you always put yourself in her shoes.

She’s the friend who have known you forever, but never be there for you, while you’re always there for her.

Hey, you know that you deserve a friend who is sincerely willing to be your true friend.

Who genuinely treats you the way a true friend should do.

Who loves you the way you love her.

Who’s willing to be there for you in your lowest point of life.

Who’s happy when you succeed.

Who’s excited for your upturns.

Who’s relieved watching you happy.

Who shows empathy instead of jealousy.

Who lifts you up, instead of dragging you down.

You deserve a true meaning of sisterhood. Sisters you never had.

Yes you, know that it is not your fault. It’s never been.

It is not your fault that you could never be like her.

It is not your fault that you have a pure heart for a friend like her.

And it is not your fault that you are hoping more from her.

Because you could never do those things she did.

And even at this point, you could never hate her.

You’re just heartbroken.

And that’s how you know, you deserve better. TC mark

About the author

Kristel Louisa

Juggling between life and dreams.

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