Maybe It’s Always Supposed To Have Been You

Maybe It’s Always Supposed To Have Been You

Maybe it’s always supposed to have been you.

Maybe it’s always supposed to have been clear.
Maybe it was never really about the chase, after all.
Maybe it was never supposed to be the ache of uncertainty, the waiting on answers.
Maybe it was never supposed to be lying awake with confusion, and constantly bathing in unknowns.
Maybe it’s always supposed to have been the crystal clarity of glass.
Maybe it’s always supposed to have been seeing yourself clearly for who you are, and clearly seeing that you are all you need.

Maybe it’s always supposed to have been easy.
Maybe it was hard with those other people for a reason: because they were not meant for you.
Maybe it was never about convincing someone else that you were good enough; good enough to be chosen, good enough to want to stay.
Maybe it was never about proving you could win someone over, even when the odds weren’t in your favor.
Maybe it’s always supposed to have been walking away from difficulty, and making it easier to choose yourself.

Maybe it’s always supposed to have been good.
Maybe you spent years running toward the bad because you were too busy running away from yourself.
Maybe it was never about having to change to please someone else.
Maybe it was never supposed to involve so many disagreements, so many fights, so many ups and downs.
Maybe it’s always supposed to have been straightforward and honest; honest-to-goodness, simply good.
Maybe it’s always supposed to have been like home.
Maybe it was never about searching the world over, past the most distant shores, combing through sand on your hands and knees, looking for the place you left your heart last.
Maybe it was never about finding someone you hoped would give your weary head and restless limbs a place to finally, finally settle down.
Maybe it was never about finding someone else to give you the home you already have within you.
Maybe it’s always supposed to have been like coming home to yourself.

Maybe it’s always supposed to have been you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten J Robinson

Author of Evergreen, a poetry collection that explores personal growth through light and darkness.