In The New Year I Hope You Find Everything That Was Missing In 2017

I hope this is the year you learn to love who you are and realize that someone else rejecting you shouldn’t mean you have to reject yourself.

I hope this is the year you choose people who choose you and value you and build you up.

I hope this is the year you learn to let go of the things and people not meant for you.

I hope this is the year you learn to let go of the past and the things that hurt there.

I hope you learn to forgive yourself for the mistakes you made and move forward not allowing the past to dictate the future more than it has.

I hope no one makes you feel like you’re not good enough for smart enough or pretty enough. Because you are all these things and so much more.

I hope when people ask how are you, you can say happy and really mean it.

I hope this is the year you fall in love with the world around you and really learn to love the life you are leading.

And if you’re on the path of someone else’s choosing or something feels off, I hope this is the year you find the strength to walk away.

I hope this is the year you fall in love. Really fall in love with someone who falls in love with you and you realize how wonderful love really is and it was never supposed to hurt.

I hope the choices you make reflect your hopes not your fears.

I hope every choice you makes reflects what could make you happy and you aren’t trying to appease someone else.

I hope this is the year you learn to have faith in people even if you only trust yourself.

I hope you learn to put yourself and your well being before others because you should be your number 1 priority.

But most of all I hope this is the year for you that everything falls into place the way you want it to.Because I want you to be happy. I really want you to be happy. And you should want that as much for yourself as I do.
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About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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