I Hope You Experience A Real Kind Of Love

I hope you experience the kind of love that is all-consuming.


Love isn’t complicated, people are. We often make love harder than it has to be. It’s actually quite simple.

You either find the love of your life or you don’t. You either stay with someone forever, get your heart broken, or break someone else’s heart.

If you’re lucky, you’ll come out unscathed. You’ll come out still intact with your heart beating.

Although, would that really make you one of the lucky ones? If you come out of love smiling and unfazed, were you really in love?

My wish is that you experience a real love. No matter the outcome, I hope you truly understand what it feels like to love someone so deeply and have that love be reciprocated.

I hope you experience the kind of love that changes your perspective on the world.

The kind of love that allows you to view the world with kindness, love, and excitement. I was always the kind of girl that followed the rules, never missed a homework assignment, and played by the book. Until I met him. You deserve the kind of love that is adventurous, inspiring, and a little scary. Surround yourself with someone that takes you out of the present for a second and shows you the importance of the little things. Surround yourself with someone who shows you the importance of long dinners without your phone, the beauty of nature in mountains and trees, and the significance of deep, genuine conversations.

I hope you experience the kind of love that saves you.

The kind of love that helps you love yourself just by being loved so beautifully by another person. For a very long time, I was always the kind of girl that never thought I would ever be genuinely happy with myself. Until I met him. You deserve the kind of love that is so passionate, so genuine, and so real that just being in their presence makes you feel invincible. Sometimes we need someone else to believe in us in order to believe in ourselves. I was broken and lost. He saved me by simply loving me. He saved me by loving my flaws, by loving my demons. He healed my scars by laughing with me instead of crying with me. He saved me by understanding things about me that I still don’t understand.

I hope you experience the kind of love that is all-consuming.

The kind of love that you think about when you wake up and the kind of love that you think about when you go to bed. I was always the kind of girl that didn’t enjoy being overwhelmed by love. Until I met him. You deserve the kind of love that never gets old. You deserve the kind of love that leaves letters on your bed explaining their love for you just because. When you experience this kind of all-consuming love, you will never, ever settle for less again.

I hope you experience the kind of love that makes you feel like a little kid again.

The kind of love that brings you so much joy that it feels like your heart could burst every time you see them. I was always the kind of girl that got sick of people quickly. Until I met him. You deserve the kind of love that makes you forget about how hard life can be. So many people have this vision of love and think it’s supposed to be mature and serious, but that typically isn’t true. We should be in love with someone that we can act goofy around, someone who we get in tickle fights with every day.

I hope you experience the kind of love that shows you patience.

The kind of love that waits for you. I was always the kind of girl that didn’t think I would find real love. Until I met him. You deserve the kind of love that lets you walk away when you need to. When we’re healing and broken, it’s hard to love someone else. We can’t give someone all of our love when we are still healing from our broken parts. We need to recognize that, walk away, and learn how to respect and love ourselves in order to love another person. If he’s the one for you, he will wait for you. If he’s the one for you, his love will be waiting at your doorstep until you’re ready to love him the way he loves you.

Your perfect love is out there. You deserve it. Don’t settle for less.