Love Advice For Your Zodiac Sign This April
Yoann Boyer

Love Advice For Your Zodiac Sign This April

This month is all about the matters of the heart!


Happy Spring!

This is the time for growth. Put effort into the relationships that matter: the relationship with yourself and the relationships with the people who are kind to you. Don’t water something that’s dead (yes, I’m talking about toxic relationships). You might have to reroot yourself, but that just means it’s an opportunity to bloom bigger and better.


(March 21–April 19)

This month is all about the matters of the heart! If you are wanting a relationship, make sure you really know what you want and what you need. If you are coupled up already, make sure your partner knows what you need. Remember this: your. heart. matters. 


(April 20–May 20)

Happy spring! It’s your time to grow, too. In order to bloom, you need to put yourself first. With that being said – give yourself some water and some time to rest. This is the time where you need to show a little bit more love towards yourself, rather than those around you.


(May 21–June 20)

Think about what’s important to you and if a relationship is something that you actually want. Maybe your independence is the best thing for you right now. Things might not be full of love this month, but that’s okay! Take this opportunity to handle the realities of life, rather than the fantasy of relationship.


(June 21–July 22)

Eventually, you will get tired of standing in the background, so work on your confidence (if you haven’t already). You’ll want to strive for attention because that means relationships! This is a period of transformation. A potential partner or an improving relationship is on the horizon.


(July 23–August 22)

You need to shift your perspective on how you work in a relationship. You can’t just run with confidence. You have to offer more. You have to put in better efforts. You’re extroverted, sure, but you should still focus your attention on that special person in your life. Don’t half-ass things.


(August 23–September 22)

If things aren’t “perfect”, maybe you need to make some changes to get yourself there. Are you in a bad relationship? Dump ’em. Are you single and unhappy and desperate for love? Love you, instead. Things are changing, so change with it – there might be some unexpected blessings if you do.


(September 23–October 22)

You might be trying too hard and that’s why you’re not getting the love and attention you’re striving for. Maybe you should give yourself some love and attention instead. Don’t burn yourself out! Shift your attention to creativity or projects that are old or that have been pushed to the side.


(October 23–November 21)

Do you want love or not? A potential partner has been on your mind lately and it’s distracting you from your work…but maybe that’s not a bad thing. They could inspire you for your work, but only if you let them in to your life. You know you want to…


(November 22–December 21)

You might walk into some sexual and romantic energy and this will be powerful. Whatever is heading in your direction (or whatever is already here!) is going to make you feel like you’re having fun and getting shit done – so remember: embrace the good feeling you’re feeling and let yourself have fun.


(December 22–January 19)

You might be forced to face a lot of obstacles this month. Don’t lose your momentum — keep moving forward! Don’t let anyone (including that one toxic person…) manipulate you or ask for another chance. Cut them off and move on. Momentum is the only way you’ll thrive.


(January 20–February 18)

Things might take an unexpected turn but for the good. You’re on a journey and you most likely will find yourself with someone who can help you, somehow and in some way. Keep your eyes open for love (in a friendship), because it’s coming. These emotional ties are good for you, I promise.


(February 19–March 20)

Maybe it’s time you rekindle something with someone. An old flame maybe? (Or a twin flame?!) You’re feeling a lot more in touch with your emotions and you might actually be ready for something serious. Be honest with people on how you feel. Sincerity will last, but only if you let it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark