This Is What Honestly Happens When You Act Like The Opposite Of Yourself On Tinder

This Is What Honestly Happens When You Act Like The Opposite Of Yourself On Tinder

I wanted to get out of my comfort zone.

I’ve been so comfortable talking to guys the way I normally would. Some guys just don’t know how to have a good conversation and it gets real boring real quick.

When I downloaded Tinder just for shits and gigs, I wanted to spice things up a little. Be different. Or, try to be. I thought about saying something that was super forward and something that I’d never actually say in a message to someone. Something like:

“Wanna fuck?” 

“Let’s fuck.”

“Wanna meet up? Let’s hangout.” 

I just wanted to know what they would say.

I mean, why not?

I went to Tinder and swiped right on a bunch of cute guys. Some were genuinely so cute and totally my type that I couldn’t even message them for my little “experiment.” Others were cute, but they knew they were cute, so I knew there would be no good connection. You know what I mean?

At first I started sending messages with some fake-confidence. Whatever they’d say in response, I’d just say “nah I’m just kidding.” Why? Because I got anxious.  can’t talk to boys without being my normal anxious self.


That “Oh” was truly so sad. Oh my god. I’m sorry, I’m an asshole, I just wanted to see what would happen.


I was nervous to straight up say “wanna fuck?” so I felt like I had to ease into it. Apparently it worked for him.


The consistent “when” made me cringe.




*Google searches “the Jim face”* Yeah. Me.

Listen, I know it’s probably a bit weird to ~experiment~ with a bunch of dudes online. But this was something I kinda wanted to do for myself. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone.

How weird would it be if I was super forward with my conversations? What if I said something that I would never actually say? What would happen? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kelly Peacock

Brooklyn-based poet, writer, avid coffee drinker, and music lover.