If You Have A Virgo In Your Life, Tell Them You Love Them
Bruno van der Kraan

If You Have A Virgo In Your Life, Tell Them You Love Them

If you have a Virgo in your life, you need to understand our love language: words of affirmation.


If you have a Virgo in your life, you need to tell them you love them. 

Virgos can be anxious creatures who need reassurance literally all the time. Yes, hi, nice to meet you, I’m one of these anxious Virgos. I’m the epitome of a person with severe anxiety. Not to be dramatic or anything.

When it comes to relationships, Virgos need reassurance that everything is okay. We need to know that we are good enough and that you appreciate us.

A Virgo’s perfect match? Someone who eases our worries. 

If you have a Virgo in your life, you need to understand our love language: words of affirmation. A Virgo embodies this.

Virgos need a sense of security. We need stability and the reassurance that everything will be okay. When it comes to relationships, we might feel as if we aren’t giving enough to the other person, when in fact we are giving plenty, if not more.

In every relationship I’ve been in, I gave so much of myself to the other person, wanting to be good enough for them. I never really got that reassurance I needed and because of that, my anxiety became so much worse. Panic attacks and self-doubt became a real thing for me. I started over-analyzing everything I did, wondering if I could’ve done something differently to be enough for them.

It might be an anxiety thing, or maybe it’s really just a Virgo thing, but paranoia is real. Virgos overanalyze everything. I mean it. Everything. If you’re inconsistent with your actions, we’ll get anxious over it. We question whether or not we did something wrong to make you act a certain way.

When Virgos are anxious, we are anxious. I mean, we isolate ourselves, we stay quiet. I’m a big cryer. Sometimes Virgos keep things bottled up, fearful of being judged for expressing our feelings. We’re sensitive creatures so we don’t like being looked at in a negative light. Most of the time, though, Virgos don’t keep things bottled up because we know how anxious we can get if we do. We just have to let it all out.

If you know a Virgo with anxiety, reassure them that they’re good enough. They’ll thank you for it.

If you are an anxious Virgo, remember that you are enough.

Until someone comes around and reminds you how great you are, keep telling yourself this: you are enoughThought Catalog Logo Mark