This Is How I Fell In Love With You


I fell in love with you during midnight Skype calls. I fell in love with your goodnight texts and sunshine-filled good mornings. I fell in love with your voice over the phone when I couldn’t sleep. I fell in love with seeing your face after months of not seeing it.

Each time I saw you I fell in love all over again.

I fell in love with kissing your cheeks. I fell in love with missing your hand in mine. I fell in love with you from three thousand miles away. I fell in love with you from ten feet away. I fell in love with you from one inch away. I fell in love with you every morning when I woke up. I fell in love with you every time I closed my eyes.

I fell in love with your laugh and small comments. I fell in love with your big eyes and your long hair. I fell in love with your toes, your legs, your hips, your stomach, your chest, your arms, shoulders, and neck. I fell in love with your anger and sadness. I fell in love with how lost you felt. I fell in love when you were mad at me. I fell in love when you smiled at me.

I fell in love with everything about you.

I fell in love with you when you broke my heart. I fell in love with you when I was crying on the floor. I fell in love with you when you fell in love with someone else. I fell in love with you when you said hello to me. I fell in love with you when you said goodbye. I fell in love with a story that is over for you, but I’m still stuck somewhere in the middle of it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Karissa Ekwall

Just a girl trying to write her way through a broken heart.

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