17 Reasons Harry Potter Fans Have More Fun Than Muggles
1. We’re not afraid to express our love for every. single. aspect. of the HP Universe.

2. We have our own holiday weekend. It’s called the “Harry Potter Weekend” on ABC Family and it’s miraculous.

It’s on all the time, and we’ll watch it every single weekend.

3. We’re not afraid to be openly in love with a fictional character.

4. Our holiday decorations are on point.

5. Our drinking games are ~*magical*~

6. We have gifs for every occasion.

7. We spend our time thinking about truly important things.

8. When we’re missing HP, we make hilarious musicals that get a sub-fandom of its own.

Seriously. THESE GUYS.

9. We’re positive thinkers.

10. Our imaginations are constantly in motion.

11. We like to delve deep into each character’s psyche.

12. We’re always looking to improve upon bad ideas.

13. We like to collaborate with all corners of the Internet.

14. We’re capable of great feats of adorableness.

15. We’ll break down the books and movies, word by word, until the day we die.

16. We’ll apply wizarding world lingo to every aspect of our lives.

17. We love collaborating with other fandoms for endless fun.