This Is How You’ll Know You Love Her

Twenty20 / @batoshka

You won’t know you love her in the big days.
You won’t know you love her in every milestone.
You won’t know you love her in every important occasions.
You won’t know you love her with each given bouquet.
You won’t know you love her during the first kiss.
You won’t know you love her in the first night together.
You won’t know you love her the day you meet her parents.

You’ll love her under the fireworks, her eyes ogling at the brightened sky.
You’ll love her in the bowling alley when she hits that bunker for the seventh time.
You’ll love her in the dim light of the silent road as you walk her home.
You’ll love her as she sits on the 3-foot fence talking about the simple things in life, your hands around her waist.

You’ll love her as she sleeps on the bed beside you, her face soft and calm.
You’ll love her when she walks carefree around your apartment with your clothes on.
You’ll love her in the bus when she falls asleep on your shoulder.

You will know you love her in the most unexpected and sometimes, crazy circumstances. Because that’s when love is the strongest. That’s when love is the loudest. That’s when you feel it most. Love will catch you off guard before it can devour you. In reality, love is not a sucker for extravagance. It revels in the small things of everyday life. It clings on the normal and makes them great.

Don’t let the years define your relationship. Because anniversaries are just numbers. Love is not about the fancy gifts exchanged. It’s in the simple moments treasured in mutual care and patience.

So take time to enjoy the talk. Find joy in every walk. Tuck her hair. Hold her more. Steal a kiss often. Whisper sweet nothings in public. Gaze at her. Adore her in her jammies. Take time. Run your fingers through her hair. Hold her cheeks. Wrap her in your embrace. Yearn for her daily. Find beauty in her most simple ways.

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About the author

Jessan Buenafe

An almost-23-year-old in constant search of something bigger than himself.

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