Cancer Man
Aldo Delara

Cancer Man: Good Traits, Bad Traits, Love and Sex

Cancer men are loyal, honest, and reliable. Here is everything you need to know about a Cancer man before committing to them: 


Astrology can tell you a lot about a person. For instance, Cancer men are loyal, honest, and reliable. However, they are also crabby. More often than not, they’re in a rotten mood. Here is everything you need to know about a Cancer man before committing to someone with a Cancer sun sign: 

Cancer Man Personality Traits

Cancers are one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. After all, they are ruled by the moon, which represents comfort and care. This makes sense because Cancer men are caregivers. They don’t spend too much time taking care of themselves. They’re happiest when they’re doing favors for others. Cancers are always willing to lend a hand. They would do anything to make someone else smile.

Cancers are sentimental, so they think about the past a lot. This means they rarely forget anything others have said and done. Although they might forgive someone, they will never forget how they were hurt. Cancers take every mean word to heart because they are incredibly insecure. They don’t have much confidence in themselves. These men don’t realize how strong they are.

Cancer Man Bad Traits

Overall, Cancer men are incredibly moody. After all, they’re represented by a crab. This zodiac sign is overly sensitive, so you have to watch what you say around them. They are going to take offense, even when none is intended. Cancer men are pessimists, so they assume everyone is making fun of them behind their back. Their lack of confidence makes them think the worst of everyone around them.

Cancer men are vindictive. They get upset when the smallest thing goes wrong. This zodiac sign is passive-aggressive and sends others on guilt trips when they’re unhappy. They are also surprisingly manipulative. Cancer men use their emotions in order to get their way. They aren’t afraid to shed tears in order to make others feel bad for them.

Cancer Man Good Traits

Cancer men are protective of the people they love. They are nurturers who would do anything for their family and friends. Cancer men are empaths, so they care deeply about everyone else’s feelings. They want their loved ones to be happy. In fact, they commonly put other people’s happiness ahead of their own. They will sacrifice their own needs in order to fulfill someone else’s needs.

Cancer men are also loyal. Once they make a commitment to someone, they have no interest in ending the relationship. In fact, sometimes they will remain in the wrong relationship for too long because they’re too attached. They would rather fix problems than walk away from their partner. When they enter a relationship, they intend to stay in it forever. They don’t want anything casual.

Cancer Man in Love

Cancers are only interested in serious, committed, long term relationships. They don’t want to have a fling or one-night stand. Sex without emotion isn’t fulfilling for them. They only feel comfortable sleeping with someone they’re dating. A Cancer man is a family man. He dreams of settling down with a stable income and having children. He needs a partner who is interested in the same type of traditional life. To Cancers, there’s nothing more important than family.

Although Cancer men can take care of themselves, they are clingy in relationships. They want to spend every waking moment with their partner. Cancers are homebodies, so they won’t want to go out and party on weekends. They would rather stay home with their partner and watch TV or read a book. They find joy in the simple things in life.

Cancer Man in Sex

Cancer men are old school. They love sex, but they don’t need much to feel satisfied in the bedroom. To them, sex is great as long as emotions are involved. They need to feel something for their partner emotionally in order to feel fulfilled sexually. Cancers only want to sleep with someone who has made a commitment to them. They don’t want sex to be a one-time event.

Overall, Cancer men don’t mind vanilla sex. They’re perfectly fine with sticking to a routine. Cancers don’t crave adventure or unpredictability in the bedroom. They would rather stick to what they know works. Cancer men need a partner who is on the same page sexually because they won’t want to leave their comfort zones often.

Dating a Cancer Man

Lunar eclipse illustration
Unsplash / Farzad Mohsenvand

Cancer men are romantics. They will buy their partner flowers and take them to nice restaurants on a regular basis. Cancers aren’t afraid to say those three little words. They will compliment their partners constantly, so they realize how much they’re loved. However, they aren’t going to plan spontaneous trips and surprises. This zodiac sign prefers consistency to passion.

Cancer men show love by providing for their partner. They need someone who is okay with receiving gifts and constant attention. They won’t work with someone who is too independent and needs too much space. Cancers are incredibly clingy. They aren’t going to be happy if they’re forced to spend too much time away from their partner. Cancer men need plenty of quality time as a couple.

Trust With a Cancer Man

Cancers want to live a domestic life. They don’t want to party or play mind games or fight for their partner’s attention. They won’t last in a relationship with someone who wants to play the field. Cancers are only interested in a commitment. If someone isn’t ready to settle down, then a Cancer man is going to move on. They aren’t going to waste their time with the wrong person.

Cancer men can be trusted completely. They only commit to people they’re serious about spending the rest of their lives alongside. They aren’t going to risk ruining the relationship by flirting with someone else. Cancers will only have eyes for their partner. They mean it when they say they’re happy in their current relationship.

Understanding a Cancer Man

Like a crab, Cancers can hide their emotions behind their shells. They are shy when meeting new people. Cancers don’t want to talk about themselves too much because they are selfless. They might even pretend they’re fine to avoid bringing down the mood.

Once you get to know a Cancer man, he will open up more. It will be easier to read his moods over time. Even though he might not say when he’s upset, his body language will make it obvious. Most of the time, all a Cancer wants is some cuddles and some compliments. They don’t need much in order to be happy.

Cancer Man Likes and Dislikes

Cancer men are people pleasers. Despite their mood swings, Cancers want everyone to be in a good mood at all times. That’s why they avoid conflict whenever they can. They strongly dislike confrontation. They don’t want to get into any arguments. However, they are experts at making others feel bad. They show their annoyance in more subtle ways than most zodiac signs.

Cancer men love staying home much more than traveling. These men enjoy curling up with a good book and a cup of coffee. It’s even better when there are children running around the house. Cancer men are nurturing, so they love being around young kids. They cannot wait to have a family of their own.

Cancer Man Behavior

Cancer men would do anything for their loved ones. They’re always putting themselves before others. Although they are selfless, Cancers want to be appreciated. They want to know that their hard work is being noticed. The best way to thank a Cancer is by reminding them they matter. Remember, this sign is insecure. They need all the compliments they can get.

Overall, Cancers are one of the most loyal, devoted sun signs. They would never cheat, steal, or lie. Cancers cannot stand seeing the people they love hurting. They will do anything within their power to cheer others up. Cancers care more about their friends and family than they care about themselves.

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.

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