January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
Articles by
January Nelson
5 Movies That Rage Against The Impossible Standards Set For Women
With all the buzz surrounding the Substance, which was undoubtedly the most exciting horror movie of 2024, the impossible and unrealistic standards for women have come into the spotlight.
3 Best Queer, Female-Focused Movies On Amazon Prime Right Now
In a world of protagonists, strong queer female leads are my favorite. They are witty, daring, funny, inventive, and sharp. You simply do not want to miss these three incredible movies lead by strong queer female leads.
3 Strong Female Lead TV Shows on Peacock You Haven’t Heard Of Yet
We hand picked these hidden gems for you.
2 Must-Watch Apple TV Shows To Stream Before January 17
So excited for what is coming to Apple TV…
Why Making “I Don’t Know” Your Default Response Leads To Success
“I Don’t Know” as a mantra for success flips the script on traditional thinking. Admitting uncertainty isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a tool for making better decisions.
Why ‘Fourth Wing’ Is Overhyped (And Doesn’t Need A TV Show)
Spoilers, only read if you’ve already read the book.
16 Very Easy Self-Care Habits That Will Heal Your Anxiety
I’m not a morning person, but I will tell you, the way you start your day is the way you will carry through, and it will affect a lot of things.
29 Years Later The Untold Behind-the-Scenes Terrors of ‘Se7en’
Se7en is about a pair of cops in the process of hunting down a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives.
Why Watching The Same Movies And Shows Over And Over Again Is Good For You
If you’re like me, you fall asleep binge-watching the same seasons of The Office (only seasons 1-6) almost every night, can quote The Princess Bride from memory, get into periods where you listen to the same song on a vicious…
13 Best Winter Movies To Stream During The Polar Vortex
As the polar vortex prepares to sweep across the United States, plunging temperatures and bringing “exceptionally cold” weather, it’s the perfect time to lean into the wintry chill by exploring some of the most chilling films ever made.
9 ‘Positive’ Personality Traits That Most People Actually Hate
1. Excessive Cheerfulness Over-the-top positivity can feel disingenuous and even irritating in situations where a more balanced reaction is expected. 2.
4 Habits To Break You Out Of Middle-Class Complacency
Life comes with a lot of unspoken rules about how to behave, how to succeed, and how to get ahead.
People With Self-Respect Always Exhibit Behaviors Like This
1. They don’t think their puzzle piece is broken just because they keep trying to fit it with mismatches. They don’t confuse a wrong relationship for there being something wrong about them. 2.
30 Things That Make No Sense In ‘Harry Potter’
Some ‘Harry Potter’ fans on Ask Reddit have questions about the film. 1. They are able to literally grow bones back from nothing but can’t fix Harry’s eyesight so he doesn’t need glasses. 2.
13 Unrealistic, Yet Funny Life Lessons From The TV Show ‘Suits’
Suits strikes a unique balance between the clever storytelling typical of an HBO series and the over-the-top absurdity you’d find in a low-budget soap opera.
7 Helpful Business Lessons From ‘Suits’
Is the TV show Suits realistic? The answer is a loud no.
Love The Person You Are Becoming
Right now I want you to look back at your life for a second. Look back so you know how you want to move forward.
Read This If You’re A Tidal Wave Of Emotions
It is utterly overwhelming to experience so many emotions at once. Ever feel frustrated, sad, motivated, irritated, and overwhelmed at the same time? It’s okay if you do.