Cancer and Libra: Compatibility in Sex, Love, and Friendship
Despite the natural attraction between water sign Cancer and air sign Libra when they first meet, they won’t be the strongest pair in love.
Despite the natural attraction between water sign Cancer and air sign Libra when they first meet, they won’t be the strongest pair in love. They will face more complications and deal with each others’ negative qualities more than anything else. So let’s read more about their personalities and why it just won’t work:
Cancer and Libra Compatibility
The Cancer Zodiac
Cancer is ruled by the moon, the planet of intuition and emotion. The Cancer symbol is a crab, but the constellation could depict it as the breast of a woman, representing the goddess Hera from Greek mythology and the nurturing nature of a woman. As a water sign, the Cancer sun sign is very much in tune with their intuition and their emotions no matter how deep. In fact, the water element makes them feel very deeply and intensely. As a cardinal sign, Cancer people tend to be very sensitive creatures who lead with their hearts impulsively.
Personality Traits of a Cancer
Cancers aren’t afraid to show their vulnerable side. They are upfront about their emotions. They are honest about their opinions. When they are upset with someone, they are going to confront that person. They aren’t afraid to cry in public. They aren’t interested in pretending everything is fine when they are secretly suffering. They are horrible liars, but great at manipulation. It’s obvious when something is wrong because their emotions are written all over their face. They will make you feel bad for them.
Cancers are a moody sign, which might be why they’re so artistic. They find peace through creative outlets too. They are skilled at turning their positive and negative emotions into art. They love decorating, cooking, drawing, writing, and anything else creative. It calms them. It gives them a sense of purpose. It allows them to release their feelings in a healthy way. It’s a great alternative to screaming about their problems, which is something they are also prone to do.
The Cancer man will be quite moody and sensitive. He won’t hide his feelings from his loved ones, and in fact, he will take his emotions and execute them through creative outlets, like writing or playing music. In love, he will want to feel needed. He will want to share his life with someone. The Cancer woman is very vulnerable and open. She has a fierce loyalty to her, and is beyond ready for love, intimacy, and commitment — she’s not the type to play the field. She’s very nurturing but also dependent on others.
Cancer: Moon, Rising, and Venus Signs
In astrology, we each have a sign in the moon and rising (or ascendant) placements of our zodiac charts. Our moon sign represents our emotions and how we express them while our rising sign is how people perceive us when they first meet us.
If your moon sign is in Cancer, you are incredibly intuitive, empathetic, and emotional. In fact, you are more inclined to have mood swings, and the most harmless comment can send you into a spiral of tears and anxiety. On the bright side, you are a natural caregiver! You have a nurturing nature.
If your rising sign is in Cancer, you tend to care a lot about everyone and everything. So much so that you will put others’ needs before your own. You are very protective of your family, friends, and your home. You might also be a daydreamer, romanticizing your life and your relationships. Because of this and your nurturing nature, you’re more susceptible to toxic relationships.
If your Venus sign is in Cancer, you are cautious in love, but when you open up, you are invested. Although they are known as moody, most of the time Cancers tend to turn their emotions inward because they don’t want to bother anyone. When they fly into a rage, it can seem like they’ve erupted out of nowhere because they’ve kept quiet for such a long time. They’ve bottled up their emotions until they had no choice but to explode.
The Libra Zodiac
Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Libras love the finer things in life and care deeply about appearances. Libra is also associated with the Greek goddess Themis, who ruled over justice and fairness and who was known to have connections with Venus and Aphrodite, which makes sense since Libras are ruled by the planet Venus!
Libra is the only zodiac sign that is represented by an object–scales. This symbolizes balance, harmony, and justice. Libra’s element is air, which accurately represents their need for a free-flowing, balanced life. They also want justice and for people’s voices to be heard, but they don’t like confrontation or awkward situations themselves and will avoid them at all costs.
Personality Traits of a Libra
Libras–like all air signs–are creative beings. They are daydreamers. They want life to look good and feel good, by any means necessary. It’s in their nature to try to make everyone happy, including them, which is why they’re big flirts and good at conversation. At their best, Libras are cooperative, balanced, and social. At their worst, they are passive-aggressive, manipulative, will hold grudges, and will avoid confrontation.
The Libra man is quite charming. He’s deeply romantic and will want to spoil you! Although he’s attracted to intellectual beings, he’s also searching for the most beautiful partner. He will also probably put some TLC into his appearance…he’s much shallower than he leads others to be. The Libra woman is a good listener and good conversationalist. She is also very picky and won’t let herself fall in love with someone who doesn’t fit her standards (financially, physically, emotionally). If she is committed to you, she will show every side to her, both the good and the bad.
Libra: Moon, Rising, and Venus Signs
In astrology, every person has a sign in the moon, rising, and Venus placements of their zodiac chart. Your moon represents your inner self, your rising is how people see you when they first meet you, and Venus represents love and beauty.
If your moon is in Libra, you often express your feelings in creative ways, through writing, painting, or another art form. You want to create peace and balance in every aspect of your life–love, friendships, career–because it makes you feel good. However, you don’t always deal with your emotions in a healthy way. You can be manipulative and passive-aggressive at times.
If your Venus is in Libra, you’re a people pleaser at heart, and won’t rest until you make a good impression. You make friends easily, but you strive for a friendship with beautiful energy and a solid bond. When it comes to love, you strive for a beautiful, committed, loving relationship.
If your rising is in Libra, you will find that people are drawn to you and your charm. You are a social creature, outgoing and good at conversation. You want to be around people who make you look and feel good just as badly as you want others to feel good when they’re around you (that’s just the people-pleasing quality you have).
Cancer and Libra: Friendship Compatibility
A friendship between Cancer and Libra will be difficult. Cancer sees life as something out of a poem, with touch and emotions, while Libra sees life as pure mental exploration and stimulation. Because of this, they might have a hard time getting on the same page with their interests and values. These two signs have many differences. Although they are both soft-hearted with pure intentions, they could have trouble getting along. Cancers have a tendency to blurt out however they are feeling while Libras prefer to keep their cards close to their chest.
As two cardinal signs, Cancer and Libra love being the leader. In fact, they will compete to be the friend always in charge. They might also hit some roadblocks when their negative traits come out, with Cancer’s moodiness and manipulative nature and Libra’s passive-aggressiveness. Libra’s indecision will irritate the Cancer, however, Libra is a people-pleaser, and they will go along with Cancer’s decision on anything just to keep the peace.
In a professional environment, they will be able to keep the peace because they are both polite and well-spoken. However, they probably won’t want to continue their friendship outside the office. If these two signs somehow manage to make a friendship work, the best way for them to spend time together is by crafting. They are both creative, so they will enjoy working on projects together. Whether they are knitting or cooking or painting, they will be happy to take home something special from their hangout sessions. Plus, they are both very supportive, so they will encourage each other and give each other compliments.
Cancer and Libra: Sex and Love Compatibility
Cancer and Libra are two drastically different. They’re not compatible, especially when it comes to intimacy and romance. Libra will think their partner’s expectations of a romantic relationship are a bit unrealistic while Cancer will find their charming Libra too untrustworthy for commitment. Cancer needs to have deep, in-depth conversations with their partner before taking the next step of the relationship. Meanwhile, Libra wants to flirt first and develop an emotional connection later. They have completely different ideas of what intimacy means.
Between Cancer and Libra, there’s a lack of passion, initiative, and connection, both in and out of the bedroom. In fact, these two could even have trouble making it to the bedroom. They need completely different things from one another in order to feel comfortable enough to have sex.
These signs aren’t going to have a strong sexual connection – and they aren’t going to get along all that well outside the bedroom, either. Cancers aren’t going to be able to handle it when their partner ‘harmlessly’ flirts with others. It is going to make them feel insecure like they are not good enough. Meanwhile, a Libra is going to get annoyed with the restrictions Cancer tries to place on them. They won’t want to be told how to behave and who they can talk to.
Cancer and Libra want security in a relationship, whether it’s romantic or financial. Nonetheless, there aren’t many positive qualities of this kind of match. It will be extremely difficult for Cancer and Libra to get on the same page and value the same things in a relationship.
Cancer and Libra Compatibility with a Cancer or a Libra
Cancer man + Libra woman
Although these partners will be attracted to one another right off the bat, love isn’t in the cards for them. She, although charming and social, has a temper and will make a huge effort to avoid conflict at all costs. He, while loving, is also bad-tempered and irritable and goes through mood swings. Add these traits with their flawed communication skills and you get a mess!
Cancer woman + Libra man:
He has good social skills, however, it’s hard for him to talk about what he’s thinking. She has a hard shell and soft interior so communication isn’t easy for her. There’s a natural attraction at first–she will be charmed by him, and he will be fascinated by her shyness and sweetness–but then it will lead to tension, poor communication, and many struggles in the relationship.
Libra woman + Cancer woman
This kind of Libra and Cancer match must be avoided. These two signs will have a hard time finding respect in their relationship or friendship. Libra will want to be free to do whatever she wants while Cancer will want to have some stability and security. Libra will want a partner who is more fiery and energetic, while Cancer will want someone who is a bit more grounded.
Libra man + Cancer man
While these two both value having a connection with someone, they will struggle to create that with each other. Libra will enjoy platonic love while Cancer will be more tender and caring. And talking about how they both feel about the relationship? No way. This kind of Libra and Cancer pair won’t do that. Instead, they will avoid confrontation: Libra will be passive-aggressive and Cancer will be manipulative and moody.