50 Women Talk About Having Sex With An Extremely Large (Or Extremely Small) Penis

You cannot take a large one if you're not totally aroused. Blowjobs were the bane of my life. I used to be an avid giver but now I hate them. You can forget any hope of anal.


These stories from Ask Reddit prove size really doesn’t matter.

1. I lost my virginity to someone with a 9ish incher. He was the epitome of “having a big dick doesn’t make you good in bed.” Didn’t try to turn me on. Didn’t do anything but jackhammer until he finished. Couldn’t even find my clit the one time he ever tried. All I really remember about that sex is the overwhelming, displeasurable pain of having him punch my cervix with his cock.

2. Maybe 8 inches in length but about 1.5 inches thick. It hurt my fucking jaw, and almost dislocated it more than once. But it was a lot of fun. And I felt proud when I fit all of it in.

3. Was with a guy that had a threeish maybe less dick. I genuinely didn’t care and look back on it at times as one of the better experiences I had because he actually cared about how I felt and he looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world (I don’t know for sure, but I got the impression he was a bit virginy). I would 10/10 do it with someone that had a small dick again. It helps that I have a shorter smaller vag. Even average size dicks can feel pretty big to me.

4. Had a couple hookups with a guy whose dick was about the same size as my index finger. We only did blowjobs, but holy shit. It was like someone trying to make me throw up by sticking their finger down my throat.

5. Was with a smaller guy for a while and honestly, it just makes anal a better option. *shrug*

6. I was with a guy who wasn’t very well endowed.

We were fooling around and he asked for a hand job. I went to put my hand around and found that my hand was larger than his fully erect penis.

Similar to many others couldn’t feel it when he put it in either.

7. Abnormally large fellow dislodged my IUD, was temporarily crippled by the pain and had to go to the Dr’s to make sure it hadn’t perforated my uterus. Wasn’t exactly what I’d describe as fun.

8. Dude had a literal cone shaped penis. Too big at the base and too small at the tip. The experience looking back was the worst. I was young and naive. Like trying to have sex with an upside-down ice cream cone.

9. Been with both.

Large: Like being repeatedly gut punched because the dude had no idea what he was doing. I’m pretty sure child birth was less traumatic on my cervix. I am not a size queen.

Small: Actually really good. He had the plus of being relatively girthy, and he knew how to work with what he had. It wasn’t deep penetration, but that didn’t detract from anything. The angle he got was great for more clitoral stimulation which was great.

10. My husband was small. It never mattered. It was great and made bjs much easier! He passed years back.

I began dating another guy and he was long and decently thick. I could hardly walk. He had to be careful for a long time because it was painful. I got used to it. He wasn’t as attentive as my husband so the sex wasn’t as good overall. Bjs were exhausting and I gagged a lot even with taking precautions with my hand.

Overall, I enjoyed both extremes. I loved them and that’s what mattered mostly.

11. My shortest ex was actually the one with the largest penis. I don’t know an exact side but he had a very wide girth and was still decently long.

We would have to use the vibrator on me first, because it was thinner, in order to stretch me out enough that he would fit without hurting me.

At the time, I thought it was really good sex, but now I’m with the guy that I know I’m going to spend my life with and turns out the big dick guy wasn’t as good as I thought.

Now Boyfriend is still decently long as well so I’m a happy girl.

12. Large. Has its pros and cons. You have to be 150% up for it to remain naturally wet enough. Pray he doesn’t have good stamina because you’re going to have a difficult time keeping up the lubrication and the muscle exertion otherwise.

If you’re not totally in the mood, it’s not going to happen. You cannot take a large one if you’re not totally aroused.

Blowjobs were the bane of my life. I used to be an avid giver but now I hate them.

You can forget any hope of anal.

Be prepared to be sore the next day and to wince when you sit.

Small. Also has its pros and cons. I couldn’t feel much but what he lacked in size he made up for in enthusiasm and willingness. When he did hit a good spot I was so into it that the size didn’t matter. Dude was loving every second and so I did too.

Blowjobs are easy compared so he thinks I’m a sex goddess.

He can’t hit my favorite spot and I do really miss that but there’s a reason I’m with this guy and not with the one who could.

13. Had sex with a big dick guy, it was simultaneously the most boring and painful sex of my life. He wasn’t a big dude, so the blood it took to power this thing left him dizzy. He pretty much just laid there while I tried to figure out how to fit this terrifying doom cannon into my body. I gave up after about 10 minutes, then he cried.

Also had sex with a small dick guy, I could only feel it in certain positions, and he was very sensitive about his performance, so he didn’t take suggestions well. We didn’t last long.

14. I threw up in his lap after choking on his cock. That thing was a foot long, I swear.

15. Large, like a good 9 inches and thick as my wrist. It hurt. I was like all mmmm look at that then it quickly turned to horror when it went in and punched my cervix.

16. Threesome with my GF and a mutual friend. He had an enormous schlong. And I can describe the experience in 2 words: jaw cramps.

17. I lost my virginity to a man with an above average penis. It took 3 days, a lot of willing tears and my brain associating pain with intense pleasure (especially when the head of his member kissed my cervix intensely over and over). We broke up years ago and I still miss that dick.

On the flipside, I’ve also slept with a man with a under average penis. His member was perfect g-spot rubbing size especially in cowgirl position and I remember squirting for the first time with him. He even managed to make me gag on his johnson and that was surprising for me. His technique was on point but he was a meanie personality wise so I don’t miss him as much.

18. One of my exes, was quite large in girth and length. I took his virginity, which was an advantage for awhile since he got to learn and experience limits with me and for him anything was exciting/different. But I’ll tell you what, intoxicated sex hurt like hell the next day.

19. It was so small that fingering myself felt bigger. It was terrible and now I know why he wanted to wait til marriage for sex. You ain’t tricking me weiner wizard!!!

20. Have been with a couple larger guys and it is enjoyable in most positions but every now and then it really hurts. Especially when you’re in doggy and they’re super deep and just pounding away at your cervix. Like not enough for me to stop them because it still mostly feels good, but enough for me to bleed the next day.

Have also been with a couple smaller dudes and I’ve got to say, if they know that they’re doing (aka lay down on your stomach with your legs stretched out behind you/closed or you on top) it can definitely still be super pleasurable. But when you say small are you talking micropenis small? Because tbh they’ll just have to know how to strengthen other aspects.

21. I dated a guy with an actual micropenis for about a year in college. It was honestly some of the best sex of my life. He was very upfront about his penis so I wasn’t shocked (didn’t embarrass him or me by nervous giggling or anything) Because he had accepted his body he was an AMAZINGLY giving lover. That man ate pussy like Kobayashi. Toys, role playing, dirty talk? Any peripheral of the actual pnv he was a master of. Would 100% still be with/boning him today, except for the fact that he was such an amazingly giving lover, he was giving it to 2 of my friends as well. C’est la vie. Some of those experiences are still in my spank bank to this day.

22. Had a Tinder hookup with a guy. He was talking big game about his dick, about how he was going to fuck me so hard I couldn’t walk, etc. over snapchat so I was eager to meet up.

When I get there he whips it out and I swear, he had to have 3 inches, max. I must have made the worst face because he just started apologizing about the size while I’m trying to reassure him it’s fine. The condom was almost too big for him.

In all honesty, it was the worst sex I’ve ever had. I didn’t feel anything, he only lasted a minute or two, and it just left me horny and angry. I felt kind of bad because I was obviously pissed off when I left and he immediately unmatched from me the moment I stepped out of his apartment. When I was ranting about it to my friends, one of them pointed out that although it was a bad situation for me, think of how embarrassed he was.

Still, just don’t talk mad game and then disappoint like that. He didn’t even go down on me.

23. Bi guy here, I hooked up with a guy whose cock was as thick as his forearm. I knew it was big from the photo he sent me but you never really know just how big or small a dick is until you get your hands on it.

Anyway, I tried giving him head but couldn’t get much more than his head in my mouth. Asked him if he wanted to bottom and he said he doesn’t do that very often so probably not. We ended up just making out and jerked each other off.

Huge dicks are visually very attractive to me but in practice I can’t do much with them.

24. Above average can be absolutely incredible, especially in certain positions. That is until your cervix gets hit.

25. My current fiance right now! He has a very large uncircumcised member which sometimes injures me which sucks because of our personal preferences. We’ve just learned to be careful and I have personally learned to be more vocal about ANY single thing that goes wrong (hard to when you grow up in sexually abusive situations). One time he bruised my cervix.

26. Hooked up with a guy who had a very, very short and very, very thick penis. I guess it would be considered a chode? I honestly was shocked when I first saw it. Didn’t think it was a real thing. The experience was fine..nothing amazing and nothing horrible

27. I had with both and honestly speaking, the experiences are amazing.

For the small one… Well… we tried a lot of trial and error positions and when we find the one, we go full out on it like rabbits. It was honestly a great experience. We laughed a lot in between but still, everything works wonderfully and I love every bits of it.

The large one… God that was monstrous. I screamed when I saw it but he is a man with full of experiences on his hands so he took care of me so well and surprisingly it didn’t hurt at all. And it was mind-blowing.

I am one lucky woman.

28. Slept with a virgin who had a micro penis.

He cried. I felt so bad.

I also felt nothing.

29. It tore and it hurt. I don’t particularly think I will go with a man who has that much girth, again.

30. During sex it felt great I guess because of the adrenaline but afterwards I was doubled over in pain. It felt like my cervix had been drop kicked by Chuck Norris.

31. It was awful, painful, my cervix was in constant pain the whole time and I felt like I was going to throw up, I could never even come close to orgasming with him. I’ve been told my vagina is pretty tiny I guess so big dicks are just painful and terrible for me, even fully aroused.

32. I knew it was big, but went all in. Thought of him every time I sat down for a week.

33. I had a one nighter with a guy who had a micro penis once. I pulled down his pants for some fun and there was just a massive mound of hair, so I thought ” oh okay, he’s trans, I got this” and moved lower. Then I found his also smaller scrotum and I was like my GPS when I miss a turn… ” recalculating…”

The actual sex was honestly fine. I didn’t feel much in the way of penetration, but enough body friction was happening to get the job done. I’ve definitely had much worse.

34. One guy I slept with for a while, very large penis (length and girth – couldn’t hold it in one hand). The sex was good, but next to no foreplay. Hurt so much I was honest to god limping the next day. It’s like he didn’t try hard because he KNEW he was massive.

On the other end, had an ex boyfriend who was small (4 inches if I remember correctly). He was very self conscious about it. While penetrative sex wasn’t great for me, he always made up for it with foreplay. He always made sure I was satisfied one way or another.

Now my husband is perfectly average in size and I wouldn’t change it at all.

35. Had both actually. Abnormally large ripped me open every time we had sex and it took me a week to recover each time. Ultimately broke up with him, and while that was not the only reason, it was a contributing factor cause I don’t wanna have sex only once a week when I’m in a relationship. Abnormally small was the love of my life. We had enough chemistry and attraction that it didn’t really affect anything, and it’s much easier to do my best dome work on a small dick.

36. I wouldn’t say “abnormal” but he’s WAY above average and also the only man I’ve ever been with. At the time, it’s like I’m-about-to-pass-out level of great, but afterwards, there’s an ache that runs right up through my middle. It’s not any kind of health issue, literally just muscle ache from dealing with it. It’s also super easy to get a tiny tear in some positions if I wasn’t as ready as we thought, but it heals up over night, and we’ve learnt how to be careful.

36. Had an experience with a guy with a small weird one. Imagine a small pill bottle with a golf ball on top. This was his equipment, short and thin with a monster head. It wasn’t bad, but when he pulled out it made a sound, not unlike uncorking a bottle of champagne.

37. Been with both. The abnormally large one was so incredibly painful I refused to sleep with him again, actually made me bleed. If I had to estimate size, it was at least 10 inches, with girth to match. Fuck. That. Or don’t, you’ll thank me.

The smaller one was kind of amusing because I didn’t feel all that much so for a good bit I thought he’d slipped out and was just grinding against my butt. He wasn’t. He didn’t reach the back of my mouth so, 3 maybe 4 inches?

Honorable mention: the guy with an average size who would shrink up so fast after he finished that it’d basically disappear into a little button just above his balls, leaving the condom behind inside me

Dicks are fuckin weird, yo.

38. I’m a bi dude, but I once downloaded Grindr and felt like taking one up the butt. Dude lived a few blocks away. His dick pic looked small like a chode.

Fast forward to us in his bedroom. I was soooooo wrong. It was average length and thick like a beer can at the widest part.

At first it was fun, but after a few minutes I just felt like I was being punched in the ass.

A few weeks later I got some poppers, was able to relax went to his place again. More enjoyably except I think he took viagra and put some premature ejaculation cream, stuff to numb your dick to make you last longer, because he fucked me straight for about 45 mins non-stop. It hit my prostate good because I squirted piss a few times unintentionally.

I never saw him again because beer can Joe was just too much for a bi curious dude like myself.

39. One of my long term partners (and to be respectful, I won’t elaborate) was on the smaller side. I am bad at estimating lengths but just a bit smaller than average. We couldn’t do every position because he didn’t have the length. We just worked around it. I couldn’t orgasm through penetration but it still felt good. It worked as long as he ate pussy a lot. After he decided he didn’t want to eat pussy anymore, it went downhill a bit.

I have also had a FWB with a very large penis, only saw him once or twice. I also didn’t orgasm with him but it felt really, really good. Things could be a lot more acrobatic because of the length. He felt like he shouldn’t have to eat pussy because he had a big dick, and that is an absolutely inexcusable sin. I wouldn’t see him anymore after that.

40. Gay guy here, I was the top in this situation but the guy I was with had an unbelievably huge dick. Like this thing was incredibly girthy and heavy, even when he was fully hard, his dick just hanged down. When he was riding on top, he dick would just slap my stomach, leaving a red dick print afterwards. I thought I was generously well endowed but this guy passed me by a long shot

41. Was with a gent that didn’t have much to work with, but he sure knew how! OMG he was amazing. He had game in all the sexual departments, so .. guys worried about being small, don’t. Just learn the art.

Tried sex with someone that would be classified as “This just in, woman killed by hairy telephone pole!” we tried, but he was ungodly large so it just didn’t happen. Even after an extensive “work up”.

Size honestly doesn’t matter. Not unless she’s got a nuclear silo for a vagina.

It’s all about the skill level.

42. Was with a smaller dude. Like others here have said, felt nothing. Pretty sure most of the action was him grinding against my inner thigh.

We were young, and didn’t really know what else to do outside of just basic sex. Nowadays I would ask for more attention because regardless of size, you can still have good times if there’s other foreplay and fulfillment involved. And I would assume most men go crazy at the thought of a woman giving them more info about what they want so the good times can roll for both parties.

He was a good dude and an attentive boyfriend. (we broke up due to being long distance) I don’t regret it and I’d never make fun of a guy for the size of their schlong. It’s not the dick that makes the man, it’s the willingness to be an open and loving partner.

43. He used his size as a reason to not really try in bed. He never gave me opportunity to warm up, and even though I thoroughly enjoy super super rough sex…he just thought ramming it into me over and over was the way to go. Lack of warm up and him just thrusting hard like no tomorrow left me sore and angry. Not the good kind of sore, either. My cervix hated me when I was with him.

44. We had to stop after ten minutes.

45. A coworker of mine was talking about sleeping with a guy who was almost the size of her Comcast television remote, for visual reference. This is appropriate because Comcast is definitely a big prick. Anyway, she said she tentatively touched it like Indiana Jones with the Golden Idol, and jiggled it about experimentally. It made a thpthpthp sound like a water balloon, and it was so visually striking and distinctive that she wouldn’t have been surprised if it had talked or sang a song. In the end, she incredulously asked him what he was planning on doing with “that” and had to frankly tell him she didn’t think that was going to happen.

46. I was with a dude who had a peen like a large deodorant can. One night we were doing the dance of the beast with two backs, and he must have bashed my cervix one time too many and I began to faint.

I realized what was happening and tried to make it to the bathroom (not sure why?)

I thought I’d been pretty speedy but turns out he had had to shepherd me along the 5 metre corridor because I was all over the place, literally bouncing of the walls. I didn’t even know he’d followed me.

My room mate came out of her room to find me completely naked, passed out on the toilet with my panicking boyfriend trying to bring me round, at about 1am.

I eventually came round and kept frantically asking him to bring me my slip. He didn’t understand. BRING ME MY SLIP! MY SLIP! I was frantically trying to cover my bits and bobs with my hands to maintain some level of dignity.

I wanted my nightie and had never called it my slip in all my days. I was so confused.

The end.

47. At 8″, it was definitely more painful than pleasurable.

48. Had to tell him to stop about halfway in. Not fun when terrified of injury. We were in our 20’s, he was a smoking hot virgin. He met a woman who could enjoy all he had to offer (26 cm) not long after our attempt and FB says they’re still together over a decade later. I don’t even know if what we did qualifies as sex… He looked at me with a terrified ‘are you okay?’-look on his face and was met with my freaked out expression . Fun to look at, scary to experience!

49. I have had both. the large one never learned that a majority of the population do not like getting harpooned like a dolphin within a few seconds. Like go slow and use lube if you have to! Lube isn’t just for anal! I can take a decent amount but when they hit my cervix oh I have to tap out for a bit.

I’m a big woman so the small one I felt only grinding against my clit. Didn’t feel the penetration but he was persistent and lasted a lot longer than the bigger guys. Also he gave me more attention and pulled out toys and all kinds of fun stuff whereas the bigger guys were all about instant gratification and skipped foreplay. In the end, Size doesn’t matter to me

50. I’ve never been one to care about size. My ex was on the way smaller side, but that wasn’t his downfall. He REFUSED to listen to what I wanted and thought he was a sex God. Any suggestions about what I wanted were met with anger and arrogance.

My fiance now is one of the biggest I’ve ever been with. We have to be suuuuper careful in certain positions or he’ll hurt me. Luckily for me, he listens to what I like and takes it easy on me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.