The 50 Most Impossible Modern ‘Would You Rather’ Questions
Would you rather have everyone twice your age and older talk like an adult from Charlie Brown or everyone half your age and younger talk like a minion?
Ask Reddit has come up with the hardest Would You Rather questions of all time.
1. Would you rather have all the songs be sung by Nickleback, or all the movies be starring Nicholas Cage?
2. Would you rather be on death row for a crime you didn’t commit, and the most important person in your life is free but they committed the crime?
Be free, but the most important person in your life is on death row for a crime you committed?
3. Would you rather have everyone twice your age and older talk like an adult from Charlie Brown or everyone half your age and younger talk like a minion?
4. Would you rather be surrounded by people who brag all the time or by people who complain all the time?
5. Would you rather get stuck at all red lights in traffic, or have incredibly slow internet (dial up slow) after dark?
6. Would you rather give up access to the internet or give up access to motor vehicles?
7. Would you rather fight Mike Tyson once or talk like Mike Tyson for the rest of your life?
8. Would you rather be the best chef in the world but your food tastes like garbage to you, or be the best chef in the world but your food tastes bad to everyone else?
9. Would you rather have to watch your family be killed on repeat for the rest of your life, or have your family watch you get killed on repeat for the rest of their lives?
10. Would you rather look like Jar Jar Binks for the rest of your life or sound like Jar Jar Binks for the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather eat only mayonnaise for the rest of your life, or sweat mayonnaise for the rest of your life?
12. Be able to fly, but only backwards or be able to turn invisible, but only when you are blindfolded?
13. If you were reborn in a new life, would you rather be alive in the past or future?
14. Would you rather have 5 kids right now or have a kid every time you hear Living on a Prayer for the rest of your life?
15. Would you rather watch porn of your parents or with your parents?
16. Would you rather sweat milk or have to bathe in baked beans every day for a year?
17. Would you rather swim through 300 meters of trash and turd, or 300 meters of dead, rotting bodies?
18. Would you rather poop giant diamonds or pee gold coins?
19. Would you rather tell your parents you are in love with one of your cousins or one of your parent’s friends?
20. Would you rather have french fries for fingers or balls on your chin?
21. WYR have hiccups for the rest of your life or constantly feel like you have to sneeze?
22. Would you rather have graphic night terrors involving Guy Fieri or have permanent tinnitus in the form of the Jeopardy theme song?
23. Would you rather have chopsticks for hands or office chair wheels for feet?
24. Would you rather have tastebuds on your fingertips or smell with your perineum?
25. Would you rather have to sprint every time you use your legs no matter the distance, or have to yell anytime you want to say something?
26. Would you rather forever give up cheese or oral sex?
27. Would you rather have the ability to stop time (and move freely in stopped time), or have the ability to heal all wounds and diseases (including your own)?
28. Would you rather be really hairy or really slimy?
29. Would you rather have All Star by Smashmouth play every time you orgasm or orgasm every time you hear All Star by Smashmouth?
30. Would you rather fuck the top half of Emma Watson with the bottom part of hulk hogan, or the top half of hulk hogan with the bottom half of Emma Watson?
31. Penis sized nipples or nipple sized penis?
32. Would you rather never be able to wear clothes or always have itchy allergy eyes?
33. Would you rather have sex with your cousin and no one ever finds out, or not have sex with your cousin but everyone thinks that you did?
34. Would you rather be the smartest person in the world, or the dumbest. Whichever one you pick your intelligence doesn’t change, everyone else changes.
35. Cum every time you fart or fart every time you cum?
36. Would you rather eat ice cream flavored poop, or poop flavored ice cream?
37. Cat with a human face or dog with human hands?
38. Would you rather shoot your friend to death and become immortal or have your friend shoot you to death and them become immortal?
39. Would you rather have sex with a hot female body and Garfield The Cat head or hot female head and Garfield body? If you choose Garfield head it will be loudly meowing the entire time.
40. As a man, would you rather have a fully functioning penis on your forehead or no penis at all?
41. Would you rather become part of the Kardashian’s family or live with Shrek?
42. Speak every language fluently or play every instrument perfectly?
43. All songs exist but they are all performed by Pitbull, or only one Pitbull song exists but it’s performed by every artist with their own cover interpretation?
44. Would you rather know how you’re going to die or when you’re going to die?
45. Would you rather change gender every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby?
46. Would you rather always have oral or never get oral?
47. Would you rather have a world that have spiders with long abdomen and slithers like snakes or snakes that are small and build webs inside your house?
48. Would you rather have the brains of a squirrel (but still human) or have the brains of a human but squirrel?
49. Would you rather play uno in hell for 900 years or walk the entirety of a Minecraft world (all 30million x 30million blocks)?
50. Would you rather be ugly but smell amazing or be handsome/beautiful but stink?