Pokemon Porn Is More Popular Than You Thought
Pokemon porn is on the rise.
You’ve probably heard of Rule 34 before. It’s the idea that there is porn of everything somewhere. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a celebrity or an animal or a cartoon meant for little kids. Porn exists for it.
That’s why it shouldn’t be surprising that Pokemon porn exists. If you liked watching the cartoon with your milk and cereal when you were a little kid, there are plenty of adult pictures you can look at now that you are older.
On porn sites across the internet, there are videos of people dressed up as your favorite Pokemon characters (like Ash, Misty, Brock, Jesse, and James) having sex with each other. There are even animated videos where you can watch cartoons that look almost identical to the real characters doing nasty things to each other.
There is one in particular called Strokemon, which includes the names of real Pokemon characters that sound dirty like Squirtle, along with some made-up names like Fisty, Gash, and Dickachu.
However, this kind of porn is not only available on the sites you would be afraid for anyone to find in your browser history. You can also find them in places like DeviantArt and Tumblr where artists have drawn pictures of characters with their tops off and skirts lifted.
Of course, now that furries have risen in popularity, the human characters are not the only ones having sex. There are plenty of scandalous pictures of the actual Pokemon doing inappropriate things to other Pokemon — or with their trainers. Most of these drawings give Pokemon human characteristics like breasts or penises.
You might think that Pokemon porn is some obscure thing that most people aren’t interested in touching themselves while watching, but according to studies, the search term has actually been ranking pretty high on porn sites. That means people (maybe even people you know) look at this type of content more than you would think.
After Pokemon Go was released, bringing attention back to the childhood show, more people became interested in porn involving the characters. The terms that have been commonly used in searches are Pokemon, Pikachu, henati (which is manga pornography), and anime.
Even though there are a surprising amount of people who find Pokemon porn arousing, others do not understand the fascination. They believe that the cartoon was meant to remain pure — and that porn of it is not only weird, but pretty damn funny.
Whether you were obsessed with playing Pokemon Go a few months ago or are currently obsessed with Pokemon porn, we can all agree on one thing. As an adult, the franchise is still highly entertaining.