100+ Interesting Words You Should Slip Into Conversation To Sound Intelligent
It's time to learn something new, to broaden your vocabulary, to sound even more eloquent than you already are.
These interesting words will help you sound smarter in any conversation.
You send dozens of texts and spend hours talking every single day — but you are reusing most of your words. You are repeating yourself without even realizing you are doing so. There are hundreds of interesting words that you have never even heard of before (or you might have already heard but have no idea how to use them in a sentence).
It’s time to learn something new, to broaden your vocabulary, to sound even more eloquent than you already are. If you can find a way to slip these words into everyday conversation, you are going to look like the most intelligent person in the room.
Aa — a kind of volcanic lava that forms jagged masses with a light frothy texture
Abibliophobia — afraid of running out of things to read
Aquiver — trembling
Aurora — dawn
Aplomb — self-confident
Acnestis — between the shoulder blades and the loins which an animal cannot reach to scratch
Apropos — appropriate
Atrate — dressed in black
Agelast — a person who never laughs
Agastopia — admiration of a particular part of someone else’s body
Bibliopole — a person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones
Biblioklept — a person who steals books
Bibble — eating or drinking noisily
Bloviate — people who talk for a long period of time
Balter — dance clumsily
Bedizen — dress gaudily
Bleb — a blister
Boondoggle — a waste of time and money
Burke — murder without leaving a trace on the body
Borborygm — hungry
Bombinate — making a humming or buzzing noise
Bumbershoot — an umbrella
Cattywampus — in disarray
Collywobbles — a weird feeling in your stomach
Cahoots — secret partnership
Caruncle — the triangular, pink areas at the corner of your eyes
Churlish — rude
Compotation — a drinking party
Conspuer — to spit with contempt
Comeuppance — getting what you deserve
Cancatervate — heaping things into a pile
Cabotage — the exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its borders
Cromulent — appearing legitimate but actually being spurious
Donnybrook — an uprising, a melee, or a riot
Darkle — becoming cloudy or dark
Defenestration — the act of throwing someone out of a window
Denouement — the resolution of a narrative
Doodle sack — bag pipes
Duffifie — laying a bottle on its side for some time so that it may be completely drained of the few drops remaining
Draconian — unusually severe
Erinaceous — resembling a hedgehog
Ethereal — Extremely delicate, light, not of this world
Egress — an exit
Ennui — bordem
Erratum — an error in printing
Epistemology — the study of knowledge
Esoteric — knowledge that is only available to a select group of people
Epoch — A particular period of time in history or a person’s life
Eurhythmic — an aesthetically pleasing rhythm or structure
Flibbertigibbet — silly and overly talkative
Foppish — foolish, silly, obsolete
Fugacious — fleeting or transient
Fillip — snapping your fingers
Gubbins — an object that has little or no value
Grawlix — a series of symbols commonly used in comics or cartoons to represent curse words
Grommet — an eyelet of firm material to strengthen or protect an opening or to insulate or protect something passed through it
Hubris — excessive presumption, exaggerated pride or self-confidence
Halfpace — a platform of a staircase where the stair turns back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight
Hiraeth — A homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was
Impignorate — pawning something
Interrobang — a punctuation mark designed for use especially at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question; usually written as ?!
Interfenestration — the space between two windows
Ineffable — Too great to be expressed in words
Jentacular — pertaining to breakfast
Jalopy — an old, decrepit, or unpretentious automobile
Kyphorrhinos — a nose with a bump in it
Lamprophony — loudness and clarity of enunciation
Limerence — being infatuated with another person
Logophile — lover of words
Lothario — a man whose chief interest is seducing women
Malarkey — insincere, foolish talk
Macrosmatic — having a good sense of smell
Meldrop — a drop of mucus at the nose, whether produced by cold or otherwise
Metanoia — a spiritual transformation
Meme — an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture
Nincompoop — an idiot
Nibling — the gender-neutral term for nieces or nephews
Nefarious — Wicked, villainous, despicable
Numinous — spiritual, supernatural
Nudiustertian — the day before yesterday
Oblivion — the state of being unaware of what is happening around you
Octothorpe — the hashtag symbol
Obelus — the division symbol
Oxter — armpit
Pandiculation — yawning and stretching
Pauciloquent — someone who doesn’t say much
Pilgarlic — a bald head
Phosphenes — the light and colors produced by rubbing your eyes
Petrichor — The pleasant, earthy smell after rain
Preantepenultimate — fourth from last
Paresthesia — the prickly feeling when your limb “falls asleep.”
Poobah — a powerful person.
Pogonotrophy — growing and grooming a beard or other facial hair
Rasher — a thin slice of bacon
Taradiddle — filled with pretentious nonsense
Tergiversate — to change repeatedly one’s attitude or opinions with respect to a caus
Snickersnee — a long, dangerous knife
Salopettes — high-waisted skiing pants with shoulder straps
Supine — Lying face upwards
Sonder — the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own
Schadenfreude — experiencing pleasure or satisfaction from the trouble, failure or humiliation of others
Somnambulist — A person who sleepwalks
Serendipity — The chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way
Snellen chart — the standard eye exam chart.
Scintillate — emitting sparks
Syzygy — an alignment of celestial bodies
Tittynope — a small quantity of something left over
Ulotrichous — having wooly or crispy hair
Quire — two dozen sheets of paper
Quixotic — unrealistically optimistic
Valetudinarian — a sickly or weak person, especially one who is constantly and morbidly concerned with his or her health
Vellichor — the strange wistfulness of used bookshops
Wabbit — exhausted
Widdershins — moving counter-clockwise
Winklepicker — a shoe with a long pointed toe
Yarborough — when the dealer deals a hand without any numbers above nine
Zoanthropy — a person who has delusions that they are a form of animal