Everything You Need To Know About The Leo In Your Life
Luis Quintero

Everything You Need To Know About The Leo In Your Life

When sad, Leo’s get very wound up. They fester in their emotions, and they build them up to the point where they unravel and have a nervous breakdown.


Leos brighten up any room they are in. They are creative leaders who make entertaining friends, partners, and business people. They can be a bit self-involved, but it’s only because they think they are as interesting as everyone around them does.


Leo Dates

July 22 – August 23

Leo Sign


Leo Ruling Planet


Leo Zodiac quality


Leo Element


Leo Positive Traits

Confident, Entertaining, Creative

Cancer Negative Traits

Self-centered, Bragging, Unsympathetic

Leo Personality Traits

Leos are radiant, creative forces that light up the Zodiac. They have their powerful energy under control. Those born under this sign symbolize the need of the ego, and its necessity in making the world a better place. Ambition, self confidence and power are the cornerstones of this sign, and they are almost always very well respected by their peers.

Leos have fully realized their expression through direct action. They are leaders, and they expect others to follow them without question. The great thing about a Leo, is that their ego does not harden them to others. They gain followers easily because they still have a warmth to them, and they are very sunny in nature. They are harmonized individuals who have a lot to teach those who will listen.

Leos are considered very mature, and self assured. They know exactly what they bring to the table and aren’t afraid of making their presence felt through grand gestures. However, despite their popularity, Leos hate pettiness and meanness, and often overlook those who engage in such immature antics. Leos are big hearted, and they give everything to their goals and what they are trying to achieve.

Leos are also extremely honorable, and will always stick to their word. They will pay off bets they have lost, and they will say no to advances that do not match up with their wants. Leos think about their opportunities, and don’t just take everything that is handed to them.

To a Leo, a lot of pride is found in where they live. They need to reside in a castle like environment where they can entertain and share their hospitality with others. They are loyal and faithful, and will defend someone until they are blue in the face. This fixed attitude can cause a lot of problems for the Leo, because they can be wrong sometimes and they often refuse to admit that.

Leo Compatibility

A Leo is idealistic, sometimes insecure and quite affectionate. They work best with someone who will love them during their good times and their bad times. They need someone who will appreciate their wins, and help them to navigate their losses. A Leo needs independence, but they also need security. A fun loving Sagittarius would be perfect for a Leo, because they would compliment the Lion’s need for adventure, while meeting their need for stimulation both emotionally and physically.

Leo Compatibility Chart

Leo and Aries Compatibility: Aries and Leo are natural allies and make great friends. They love to try new things together, go on adventures, be silly, and challenge themselves. As a couple, they’d have the most jealousy-inducing Instagram of all time.

Leo and Taurus Compatibility: Jealousy will be a big problem in this relationship, as a Taurus will never be comfortable with Leo’s need for attention. The Taurus will never feel like they are able to relax and the Leo will feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells.

Leo and Gemini Compatibility: Gemini and Leo are the couple you know who have the most fun together. They are always making big plans and making each other laugh. The little things will fall through the cracks as neither person in this pairing is great at “adulting”, but they’ll be having too much fun to notice.

Leo and Cancer Compatibility: A Cancer won’t immediately enjoy playing second fiddle to Leo, not because they crave the spotlight for themselves but because they view Leo’s vain ways as inauthentic or even shallow. This is a small problem in the grand scheme of life and relationships and one that’s easily gotten over once you know someone well. There’s potential for real balance here, as the signs are different enough that they can truly support and complement each other.

Leo and Leo Compatibility: The biggest problem for a Leo dating another Leo is that they both want to be the star. It will be hard for them to find balance as a couple and make sure both people’s needs are being met.

Leo and Virgo Compatibility: Leo and Virgo can have a happy, harmonious relationship if they are emotionally mature and the kind of people who can appreciate someone’s different strengths and weaknesses rather than expecting their partner to be exactly like them. Virgo will be happy to let Leo be the star and Leo will love how Virgo is totally comfortable being out of the spotlight. Together they balance each other out and truly support each other’s hopes and dreams.

Leo and Libra Compatibility: Leo and Libra both love the spotlight, but somehow they also aren’t competitive with each other about it. They’d rather share it (rare for both signs) and let the light shine on how happy they make each other as a couple.

Leo and Scorpio Compatibility: In a relationship a Leo needs to be in the spotlight and the Scorpio does let them have it. While a Scorpio knows when to fight their battles and chooses them wisely, the biggest issue this pair has is a fight for power in the relationship.

Leo and Sagittarius Compatibility: This is a fun-loving couple that get along well and typically have zero drama. They understand and appreciate each other’s nature and would rather spend time doing than talking. They tend to be a busy couple who don’t spend a lot of time at home.

Leo and Capricorn Compatibility: An unlikely pairing, but one that can create a really strong couple. Leo and Capricorn both appreciate being respected and appreciated by their peers and will work together to guard their privacy and make sure their reputations are what they desire. Neither is too wild, and while Capricorns can be prudish that generally ends behind closed doors which is all that matters to Leo.

Leo and Aquarius Compatibility: Leo and Aquarius get along best in the bedroom where they are drawn to an exciting, non-vanilla relationship. Outside the bedroom, they have less in common, but if they put work into really getting to know each other, they can form a strong bond as a couple.

Leo and Pisces Compatibility: In this relationship the Leo has to be the strong and stable one. Pisces are very needy in relationships. Because everything is a Pisces life is based on how they feel they need a partner who understands and can nurture that. Where a Pisces might lack confidence, a Leo always is the confident one. Where a Pisces might crumble a Leo has no problem being their strength. This couple is good together when each person understands the role they play but problems occur most the time when being the strong one becomes too much for a Leo.

How To Attract A Leo

A Leo will be instantly attracted to you if you bring attention to them. It will prove to them that you are mindful of them, and it will cater to their need to know that they are popular. A Leo always loves to be looked up to, so if you casually compliment them while in the middle of a conversation, or in front of a group of people, you will stroke their ego and find your way right into their heart.

How To Know If A Leo Likes You

In all honesty, a Leo will most likely just tell you that they are fond of you. Everyone will know that a Leo likes you because they do not back down from those they are interested in, and will declare their affection. They will play games and they will also get very touchy, so if a Leo keeps grabbing you, ticking you, or smiling at you from across the room — they are definitely fond of you. If a Leo really likes you, they will pay more attention to you with their eye contact, and they won’t break it. They will also talk to you differently than others, using a sweeter, smoother tone. They will always try to impress you — be sure not to see this as arrogance, because it is simply just nervous flirting.

How Leos Are In A Relationship

In a relationship, a Leo tends to be very passionate. Their fiery nature will heat things up with affection and adventure. They choose their mates based in their ability to be dominant in a relationship, so they will often be the leader out of the two partners. In a relationship, a Leo needs to be the center of attention, as he believes that he deserves to shine the brightest in any situation. Generous and giving, a Leo will create a wonderful life for the apple of their eye, but must always be nurtured because they do tend to get insecure from time to time.

Ideal Date For A Leo

A Leo loves having every eye on the them when they are in a room. Bring them to Karaoke and watch them get up on stage and put on a show for the world to see. A Leo will love to see you in the crowd, cheering them on, and taking in how fun they are.

How Leos Are In The Bedroom

Though Leo’s tend to be very dominant in the public eye, in the bedroom they are usually a mix between the two. Whatever their partner likes is what a Leo will dish out. They love to look into the eyes of the person they are sleeping with, and are very sensual in that sense as they take sex seriously. They adore having their back scratched, and they will more than likely bite your lip in the act.

How Leos Deal With Heartbreak

Just like a Lion, a Leo revels in their pride. Therefore, to have their heartbroken, rather than to break the heart of the person they were with, often hurts their ego. A Leo, however, will hide that bruised ego and they will hold their head up high — moving on in a very regal and poised manner. They will go searching for attention and affection, as a means of healing and recharging their ego.

How Leos Are As Friends

Having a Leo as a best friend is a lot of fun. They are generous and adored by so many people. They love having the spotlight on them, and are often considered bossy. However, a lot of people will turn a blind eye to how bossy the Leo is because they are so fun. They always know how to cheer people up, and everyone wants to keep the Lion around because of its good nature and its thrilling personality.

How To Gain The Respect Of A Leo

To impress a Leo it is quite simple. Demand attention, be charming, and look them straight in the eye. They respect anyone who challenges them.

How Leos Are When They’re Mad

When mad, the Lion goes beyond anger and often fills with red hot rage. Their roar is louder than any other sign in the Zodiac, and they can often be found intensely shouting to feel better. They a crude, often resorting to using offensive language and blowing up on people who do not deserve it. However, they will never apologize when they are in the wrong, because their pride and their ego will never allow for them to do so.

How Leos Are When They’re Sad

When sad, Leo’s get very wound up. They fester in their emotions, and they build them up to the point where they unravel and have a nervous breakdown. They are extremely short tempered when sad, though they are also extremely needy. Those closest to them know how to help, though they are at risk for being hurt due to the Leo’s tendency to blow up when sad.

Simple Things That Make A Leo Happy

A Leo absolutely loves being around people. This makes them the happiest. They also really enjoy watching their favourite shows with someone they love.

Leo At Their Best

At their best the courageous Leo is strong, and has an amazing, protective attitude towards their friends. They care very deeply for those close to them. The Leo is the bravest sign in the Zodiac, often doing whatever they are required to do despite being scared or in danger. They are thoughtful, kind, and generous, and this is why they are so well liked.

Leo At Their Worst

At their worst, the Leo is overly excitable, and they hang around with the wrong people as is it hard to know who your real friends are when you have such a large group of people who want a piece of you. They are bad listeners, and they cannot apologize for being wrong when they are very clearly at fault.

What Leos Fear The Most

Though the Leo presents to the world this idea of a fearless leader, the Lion fears that it will be undervalued and underappreciated. The fear of being unnoticed runs very deep in the Leo, and their insecurity sometimes knocks them right off their feet.

Leo Likely Occupations

A Leo is a natural born leader. They are fearless and independent and work best when they are in the spotlight. They admire jobs that bring them status and power, as they cannot work when they are boxed in and required to follow someone else’s lead. Due to their spontaneity, and their sheer charm, Leo’s would make amazing CEOs. They would also excel in real estate, design and politics.

Leo Likely Health Concerns

Leo’s are ruled by the Sun, the center of everything. Therefore, Leo’s are prone to ailments that relate to their heart and their spine. A Leo must get a lot of exercise to combat the long work days they often put themselves through, and will need to learn how to recharge their spirit in order to avoid any medical problems.

Where To Take A Leo On Vacation

Leo’s always need to be in the center of the action. They want to be stimulated with good parties, and prospective adventures. They will thrive somewhere that is hip, and that has bars, and thrill seeking activities. Being able to drink and dance all night, and zip line during the day, will make a Leo feel like they aren’t compromising any facet of their personality or missing out on anything while traveling.

Leo Learning Style

A Leo will learn best in a one on one environment. This will allow for them to show off their knowledge and bask in the teacher’s attention.

Leo Humor

A Leo will hook you with their humour, and they know it. They have the ability to take in everything around them, and serve funny jokes about those things seamlessly. They will use exaggeration to make people chuckle, and groups will often be found laughing loudly in their presence.

Favorite Pastime For A Leo

Leos love to draw, watch funny TV shows, and they will never say no to doing something reckless or impossible.

What To Say To Motivate Your Leo

You hold within you this charisma that stops people in their tracks. You are charming, interesting, and captivate everyone around you. When you speak, people listen. When you walk into a room, everyone stares. You capture people. You will always get what you want, so don’t forget that this also applies to your dreams. Ask for what you need, and take it when it comes to you. Push doors open. Nothing can tie you down.

If A Leo Were…

A Starbucks Drink: Pumpkin Spice Latte
A Colour: Gold
A Greek God: Apollo — God of music, arts, healing and the Sun
An Addiction: Shopping
An Alcoholic Beverage: Champagne
A Drug: Cocaine
In A High School Clique: Drama Club Kids
A City: Hollywood, California
A Harry Potter House: Gryffindor
An Untranslatable French Word: La douleur exquise — the pain of unrequited love
A Kiss: Heated
A Teen Movie: Clueless
A Clothing Item: Anything Sparkly
A Famous Landmark: Versailles
A Season: Summer Thought Catalog Logo Mark