The Super Snobby Mail-Order Cannabis Set You’ve Always Wanted Is Here


Ladies and gentlemen, the era of low-class weed puffing is over! No more shall patricians  have to puff on the same social level as plebeians! No more shall they inhale behind buildings, or on rooting back porches! Now is the era of the elitist weed, brought to the world by the startup “Potbox”.

“Potbox provides a more sophisticated alternative to the various other ‘on-demand’ cannabis delivery services that simply aggregate and deliver whatever inventory is currently available at the local dispensaries,” said Austin Heap, co-founder and CEO of Potbox


The service right now is limited to several West Coast markets, and those with a California medical marijuana physician’s recommendation.

LOL what will they think of next?? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jacob Geers

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