How To Actually Find A Guy You Like Online

“Hey, that sounds like a really cool career path in writing but way to go in considering a pursuit of your health admiration!!!”

Those were the first words ever written to me by my now-boyfriend. Maybe you think it’s weird and strange that I kept our whole conversation, but I just wanted it to look back on and remember where we started. I met my boyfriend on Okcupid—an online dating site—and we hit it off right away. Maybe it was love at first type or whatever. All I can tell you is that it felt different than any other interaction I’ve ever had with a guy. He was courteous, genuine and sweet from the start. We chatted for two weeks straight until we finally met at a local gym.

I was sweating bullets as I prepared to meet him for the first time. But, once everything was settled and we hit it off, all was well. Well, that was until our second date when I placed him in the friend zone. I just couldn’t get over my past boyfriend and yearned for him instead. I had broke it off 5 months prior, but still wasn’t over him. That and the fact that I thought this guy was odd. Regardless, the following Saturday—after my best friend convinced me to give him another shot—so her, her boyfriend, the guy and myself went to a haunted house.

At one point in the night, I felt as if I wanted to take his hand and never let go. There was something about him on that night that drew me in. I wanted more and I could no longer keep him in the “friend zone.”

That night, I took him back out and began dating him. And, so, you cannot always rule out online dating because I’ve been with him for nearly 2 years and all is well. Sure, online dating can be awkward and you meet some creepy and odd guys, but you never know when you’ll meet that one guy who knocks you off your feet.

When it comes to online dating, you must always be careful because there are other times when you could meet a guy with other intentions.

I’d urge you to meet in a public setting before anything and also recommend feeling the guy out before meeting face-to-face. Be cautious and extra careful. Text or call him plenty before arranging a day to hang out.

Trust your instincts. If it doesn’t feel right, do not do it! So, you blow him off because your gut is telling you otherwise. Just because he seems nice and you find him drop-dead gorgeous does not mean you put all your eggs in one basket. In the end, just beware. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Hope Kumor

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