Be Careful With How Much You Give Toxic Humans

Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because they aren't going to feel bad when you burn yourself out.


Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because they’re never going to stop asking you for more. They’re never going to be satisfied. No matter how much you sacrifice for them, it is never going to be enough. They’re always going to have complaints about you. They’re always going to point out what you should have done differently. They’re always going to push you to do more for them, even though they haven’t been doing a single thing for you.

Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because they aren’t going to worry about draining you. They’re only going to be thinking of themselves. If they think they can squeeze more out of you, then that’s what they’re going to do. They aren’t going to take no for an answer if they think pushing you will convince you to change your mind. They don’t care about you the way they claim. All they care about is whether they get what they want.

Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because you don’t want to offer them more than you offer yourself. Even if you love them, even if you’re worried about them, even if you want to do what’s best for them, you need to set strict boundaries. You need to prioritize your own mental health. You can’t suffer every single day in order to make their life a little bit easier. You can’t spend all of your energy worrying about what they need and ignoring your own needs. You can’t forget that you matter, too.

Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because they wouldn’t do the same for you. They are hypocrites who expect you to do things they would never even consider doing themselves. They want you to run around for them when they won’t lift a finger for you. They want you to forgive them for massive breaches of trust when they still haven’t forgiven you for the smallest, most harmless mistakes. They hold you to a high standard, but they don’t hold themselves to the same one.

Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because they aren’t going to feel bad when you burn yourself out. They’re going to act like it’s your own problem, like you should’ve been more careful, like you should’ve been smarter. They won’t care that they’re the ones who led you to this point. They won’t try to fix what they’ve broken. They’ll continue living their life in the same irresponsible way, regardless of what happens to you.

Be careful with how much you give toxic humans because they’re hoping to control you. They want you to get addicted to their attention. They want you to put them ahead of yourself. They want you to feel like their validation is more important than anything else in this world. So, please, be careful how much you give toxic humans because they are going to keep taking and taking until there’s nothing left to give.