You’re Allowed To Admit You’re Not Okay
When you pretend you're okay, you're pretending you don't need to fix your situation. You're pretending your mental health isn't a priority.
You’re not okay if you’re spending every single day in bed, barely moving from your room, rarely answering texts or engaging in any type of human interaction.
You’re not okay if you’re crying your eyes out every single night before you go to sleep, if you’re skipping showers almost every single morning, if you’re losing energy early in the afternoon when you’ve hardly even started your day yet.
You’re not okay if you’re always telling lies about why you’ve been acting so distant from your friends, why you’ve been locked inside your house lately, why you haven’t been in the mood to go out, why your eyes are always so red and puffy.
You’re not okay if you’ve lost interest in things you used to love, if you’ve lost energy, if you’ve lost passion, if you’ve lost the desire to roll out of bed when your alarm rings.
You’re not okay if you’ve been feeling off, like you’re not exactly yourself, like something needs to change. You’re not okay if you’re worried you’re going to feel this way forever. You’re not okay if you’re hoping thing are going to change soon.
You need to understand that not okay doesn’t mean not normal. There are so many people in this world feeling similar to how you’re feeling. You’re not alone. You’re not weird. You’re not crazy. You’re just a human going through a hard time right now.
If you’re not okay, you shouldn’t be embarrassed about it, but you should do something about it. You should reach out to get the help you deserve. You should make the choice to make a lifestyle change. You should see if you can find a therapist to talk to about your situation. You should pour your energy into finding a way to cultivate happiness moving forward.
You don’t want your life to be about existing until the next day, the next hour, the next minute. You want it to be about looking forward to the next day, the next hour, the next minute. In order for that to happen, you need to find things you enjoy. You need to get excited about waking up in the morning again. You need to ask yourself what you want and how you’re going to get it.
The time to play pretend is over. It’s time to start taking care of yourself. It’s time to decide you deserve happiness. You deserve to feel proud of yourself. You deserve to wake up in the morning with energy.
When you pretend you’re okay, you’re pretending you don’t need to fix your situation. You’re pretending your mental health isn’t a priority. You’re pretending talking to someone isn’t going to help. You’re pretending you’re perfectly fine living like this day after day after day.
But you’re not okay — and it’s okay to admit that. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to start taking better care of yourself. It’s okay to decide you matter. Your happiness matters. Your well-being matters. Your life matters.