Heidi Priebe
Heidi is the author of The First New Universe, The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide, and The Comprehensive INFP Survival Guide.
6 Things Every ENFJ Needs To Be Reminded Of Every Once In A While
Not all decisions are set in stone.
The Second Time You Get Your Heart Broken
It will hurt in a completely and utterly different way than it hurt the first time, but it’s going to be pain all the same. It is a subtler pain. A refined pain.
25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand
Being a HUGE, UNSTOPPABLE FORCE of creativity and productivity… an hour before the deadline.
When Home Moves On Without You
We all want to be the sole catalysts of change. We want to make drastic changes that leave big, gaping holes in our wake. We don’t want those holes filled in.
Why It’s So Hard To Get Over A Cheater
It is hard to get over a cheater because you never get the closure you need. You cannot reason your way to the cause of the cheating — and I strongly encourage you not to try.
10 Things That Children Do Better Than Adults
Adults will go to great lengths to avoid rejection. Children, on the other hand, know that it is only a part of succeeding.
Are The Elliot Rodger Killings A Product Of Misogyny Or Mental Illness?
Elliot Rodger was a dangerous, possibly ill man growing up in a dangerous, definitely ill society. This takes no blame off his shoulders but it does place some of it on ours.
16 Signs It’s Time To Leave A Place You Once Loved
When you wake up more days than not with the nagging, uncomfortable feeling that the life you should be living is happening somewhere else.
6 Reasons Why Former Waiters Make The Best Employees
If you aren’t aware of the confrontation skills it takes to deal with the kitchen staff during a dinner rush, count your lucky stars. Servers are skilled at pushing their points in a short, succinct fashion.
29 Struggles Only Canadians Will Understand
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5 Things We Need To Stop Expecting Significant Others To “Just Get”
Despite our desperate attempts to recreate the things we see in Hollywood, we are never going to be in a successful relationship if we keep expecting our partners to just get everything that’s going on in our heads without us having to say it.
7 Things College Actually Teaches You About The Real World
College may not have taught us everything we need to excel at in the workplace but it sure did teach us how to fake it with a passion.
5 Ways To Talk About Your Travel Abroad Experience Without Being Completely Insufferable
After three years of throwing world-altering experiences, nobody seems to give a single care about the ways in which you’ve changed. This may be your cue to step back.
5 Criticisms Of How I Met Your Mother‘s Ending (And Why They’re Invalid)
The final development of Ted’s character was learning to not be the man who lived in his stories: The story of how he met Tracey finally ended, and the rest of his life began.
Why Your Bare-Faced Selfies Aren’t Really Helping Anyone
This campaign is meant to empower women to make a change for cancer patients. And yet the only way we can think to go about it is by marketing our appearance-based insecurities?
I Will Always Care About What Other People Think, And That’s Not A Bad Thing
Rather than striving to impress everybody at once, strive to impress the people who inspire you. Rise up to the level of those you admire.
5 People You Can’t Change (And What You’ll End Up Learning From Them)
The harder we try to change ourselves, the stronger a particular pattern emerges within the things that we cannot alter. Whatever it is that we cannot get rid of, we might as well grow from.
Our 20s Aren’t Infinite. Do Something Now With The Time You Have
We can’t let the mistakes be the end goal. We can’t let the experience define us. We’re not 17 anymore. It’s time we start defining ourselves.