Heidi Priebe

Heidi is the author of The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide, and The Comprehensive INFP Survival Guide.
Articles by
Heidi Priebe
I Am Not Going To Miss You In 2025
I spent every day of 2024 missing you.
Screw Resolutions – In 2025, Just Go For It
Chase the dream you can’t ignore—it’s waited long enough, and so have you. Every year, we make a predictable and well-intentioned list of New Year’s Resolutions. Lose weight. Change careers. Find love. Save money.
I Refuse To Marry Anyone Unless These Are Our Wedding Vows
Marriage isn’t about settling down; it’s about taking off. That is, if you find the right person. Marrying you is not the end of my liberty; it’s the beginning of it.
Wait For The Person Who Makes Love Easy
For a very long time growing up, I assumed that the strongest relationships were the messiest ones. After all, conflict was the main focus of every romantic comedy I watched growing up. Every romance novel I read.
How You Know It’s Time To Leave
When you reach into the depths of your memory and can barely remember the last time you felt terrified. The last time nerves pirouetted through your throat.
Read This If You’re Struggling To Forgive Someone Right Now
As the year closes, maybe it’s time to think about forgiveness. I hate every cliché that exists about forgiveness.
Why Moving On After Cheating Is Tougher Around The Holidays
It’s hard to get over a cheater because the only person you hate more than them is yourself. It is hard to get over a cheater because when you leave the relationship, there are two people you must mourn.
10 Micro-Signs That Your Luck Is About To Take A Turn For The Better
So your life has been a little monotonous for a long time now. So you’re struggling to figure out what comes next. So some days, you feel *this close* to giving up on your dreams altogether. But hold on.
Here’s What Would Happen If We Put The Myers-Briggs Characters Into The Hunger Games
INFP – Since all fiction novels seem to be written by INFPs for INFPs with the message that the person with the kindest heart wins, this type often assumes that they would champion the Hunger Games.
Why It’s So Hard To Get Over A Cheater
It is hard to get over a cheater because when you leave the relationship, there are two people you must mourn. One is the asshole who cheated on you, in all their flawed, unfaithful glory.
The Truth About Meeting Someone At The Wrong Time
Timing is something that none of us can seem to get quite right with relationships. We meet the person of our dreams the month before they leave to go study abroad.
If You’re Confused About Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type: An Intro To Cognitive Functions
If your first introduction to the world of Myers-Briggs was through an online test, chances are you’re confused about your type.
I Surveyed Each Myers-Briggs Type to Find Their Top Attraction – Here Are the Results
It’s no secret that certain personality types have a history of getting together with certain other personality types – so much so that various theories have emerged discussing which types are the ‘ideal matches’ for which other types.
25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand
Here are the struggles all ENFPs experience in 2024.
What Kind Of Boyfriend You Are, Based On Your Myers-Briggs
ISFJ You are the serious-relationship boyfriend. In a world full of dudes who won’t commit, you are the coveted anti-fuckboy. You invest yourself fully in relationships and don’t shy away from putting serious work into keeping things running smoothly.
Where You Should Live Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
It can be argued that cities, like people, all hold distinctive personalities. To find which one best matches your own personality, take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and then check out which city jives best with your values.
Why You Have Trust Issues, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
ENFP and INFP: Because in the past, you’ve been burned by your own wild imagination. You have a tendency to rush into things heart-first, with your imagination running wild alongside you.
The Truth About Being The ‘Chill’ Girl
Chill is a word that other people are constantly using to describe me. It’s not a term I coined for myself. Growing up, I was deeply, inherently unchill.