Never Let A Woman In Your Life

Never Let A Woman In Your Life
Meireles Neto

Never let a woman in your life.

Because the moment you let a women get close to you “she becomes jealous, exasperating, suspicious and a nuisance.” Not by choice but just because you’re selfish and tyrannical. Uneasy to reprimand. She can be as relentless as she can but treat her right and she’ll give you everything she can.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because you’re just nothing but an ordinary man. An average guy who doesn’t want genuine happiness in life. Oh a heartless egocentric man. Didn’t you know women invented strife. Why? Because a woman knows she’s strong enough not to deal with your ill nonsense mind.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because she’ll redecorate everything in your home from your cellar to dome. For she’ll paint it with vibrancy and colors of happiness and life. She’ll take away your serenity yet brings you warmth and laughter and good memories. She’ll make you feel equipped and enough. Now if that doesn’t keep you wanting, then keep your house forever dull and monochromatic.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because you’ll end up tied up against the wall. She will never settle for anything that’s planned. She’s indecisive and will never make up her mind. She’ll say yes then no, no maybe. But please her and do whatever she likes. In return, she’ll pay you double the understanding because she’ll owe you twice. Trust her and she’ll let everything show. Hear her not just thru words but the rhythm of what’s truly inside her.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because she only wants to talk about love. No she’s not just that. She’s a woman out of those usual sugar-coated lies. Let her speak her mind. Her wisdom will let you melt like caramel waiting to be devoured. She knows when to prosper with only a weapon of anointed power, the most high. Pardon me but her intellect is more than what meets the eye.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because you better be anxious, boring and supine for the rest of your life. Than to ever let a woman suffer in your miserly hands. She’ll not give your desires because you’re nothing but a man with a greedy heart. A woman is never a distress. You create your own torment and blame it to anyone. See, never let her come in your life because no matter how undeserving you are, she’ll still make you feel loved.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because you’re impatient and unkind. If a woman asks you for advice, you don’t need to be concise. Sometimes, all she wants is a hug and a kiss in the forehead to put her to sleep at night. Be gentle with your words because when it hurts her it’s like a stab of a plunging knife. You better just be alone for the rest of your life than to ever let a woman in your life.

Never let a woman in your life.

Because you will feel the real gentleness of what’s having a family actually looks like. She comes with an army of good knights and a battalion of precious blood lines. A woman with a good heart spreads all that she got to everyone she loves. Oh she’s ever loving and fun. Selfless and kind.

So take my advice, you shall never let a woman in your life. Because she will change your life forever and make everything better but that’s not something you like. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Hazel Iris Yao Escalante

Have a glimpse of my world through my thoughts.

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