Find Yourself With Someone Who Loves All Of You

couple holding hands while standing near tree barks
Caroline Veronez / Unsplash

Find yourself
With someone
Who will listen to you
Tell them the same thing twice
Who you don’t mind
Getting lost with
As life can be full
Of this

Find yourself
With someone
Who reminds you
Of your expansive nature
And courage
You make a mistake

Find yourself
With someone
Who doesn’t “let you”
Be yourself
And all of the woman that you are
But encourages it
Demands it
Requires it

Find yourself
With someone
Who will hear you
Even when you’re scared
And it’s hard to speak
And you aren’t making much sense
Who reminds you
That you don’t always need to
Who holds space for you
And travels the journey with you
As you discover the parts of yourself
That are only revealed with time
As he courageously
Does the same

Find yourself
With someone
Who doesn’t mind
If you innocently and drunkenly
Cut them off
To tell them something
You’re excited about
Who doesn’t give a fuck
That you cut them off
But that you’re excited
To share your excitement with them

Find yourself
With someone
Who won’t judge you
But holds you accountable
And will tell you the cold, hard truth
In their warm, soft voice

Find yourself
With someone
Who finds beauty in your flaws
And humor in your idiosyncrasies
Who you can laugh at yourselves
And the world
As life has quite the sense of humor
Showing up
However it damn sees fit
Whether you like it or not

Find yourself
With someone
Who chooses you
Every day
Who has the capacity
To see you
As new
Over coffee
Each morning
For he savors these moments
Never taking
This life
Or you
For granted

Find yourself
With someone
Who is willing to grow
Alongside you
Like wildflowers
Trusting the process
Even when it’s not easy
To understand

Find yourself
With someone
Who reminds you
To be this person
For yourself
For he does not need you
To need him
But he knows that you want him
Next to you
As you experience

And savor
All the wildness that this world
Has to offer

Find yourself
With someone
Who speaks to you
And others
With respect
No matter how justifiably anger
He may be

Find yourself
With someone
Who reminds you
To thank God
For all you have been rejected from
As you find yourself
In this moment
With Him Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Gara Steinfeld

A seeker serving seekers, human, therapist, writer, warrior

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