A Reminder That God Has Got You

Life will throw you tons of things that will cause you to break. A breakup, a failed career, sickness, even a pet’s death. Sometimes you’d feel like your life is falling apart. But throughout those things, there’s God who assures, heals, provides, and encourages us to move forward. Every single time.

God didn’t promise us that life will be perfect. That it will all be candies in the sky nor it be a feeling of being in the cloud nine 24/7. Life actually comes up with a bunch of challenges.

What He promised us is Him being there beside us as we go through it all, making sure we learn, we stand up, and we grow.

We get our hearts broken by so many things, and most times, we listen to that voice inside us that tells us to give up in life and lose hope. But here’s what I learned. Whenever that voice speaks up, God also does. Listen closely. He tells us He’s got this. He’s got you.

He’s got you when you feel broken.

He’s got you when you feel frustrated.

He’s got you when you feel rejected by people or even by society.

He’s got you when you feel like nobody else does.

He’s got you when you can’t even lift yourself up.

God heals you every time you break. He picks you up every time you fall. He gives you strength when you feel weak. He fights your battles when you no longer can.

And most of all, He loves you every minute of every day. He never leaves, He never forgets. He always is and always will be there.

He is the love that stays, no matter the weather.

So when things get rough, look up in the sky and be reminded that He still got this.

Empowering women. Inspiring people.

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