You Can Be The Asshole Who Broke My Heart, But You’ll Never Be The One Who Broke Me


You can be the one who got away
You can be the person who left without saying goodbye today
You can be the guy who told me he loved me but got with someone else anyway

You can be my almost chance at real amor
You can be an almost feeling I never had before
You can be an almost reality of wanting more

You can be the mistake of my life
You can be the one who made me numb yet so alive
You can be the one who stole my sanity but I’ll survive

You can be the one who plays with another’s heart
The one who lacks emotion and appreciation for art
The one who wanders the world for a new life, a clean start

You can be the reason I cry
And the one who doesn’t simplify
The chaos, the challenges, the madness nearby
But you won’t be the reason I stop looking-up to the sky
And you won’t be the reason I stop believing and never try

You can be the one who never gave me a chance
The one who didn’t have the courage to dance
The one who didn’t care to make it work here or in France

You can be the one who apologizes in a different language
The one who took my weakness to his advantage
The one who saw me as liability and baggage
The one who thought I needed fixing, that I needed a bandage

And I’ll be the one who fought the good fight
The one who came to your place that night
The one who treated you better, loved you right
The one who stayed by your side during heavy and light

I’ll be the one who chose to care
I’ll be the one you couldn’t scare
I’ll be the one who is hurt and lost somewhere

I’ll be the one who finds herself in the middle of nothing
I’ll be the one who gets her happily ever after without bluffing
I’ll be some place enough, safe and loving

You can be the one who tried to change me
But I’ll be the one who matched your anger with forgiveness
The one who chose a lost love case over a successful business

I’ll be the one whose heart you broke
I’ll be the one whose hopes you shattered
But I won’t be the one you destroyed

Baby, break my heart all that you want
But I’ll be the one who proves you wrong
I’ll be the one to whom you belong. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Farah Ayaad

An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.

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