This Is How You Change When You're In Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

I’m Trying To Put Into Words How I Love Every Part Of You

I say that I love every part
of you, knowing precisely
what it is I mean to say.

“I love every part of you”,
as in “I know I haven’t seen
every part of you, but I know
I will love them, when I
finally meet them.”

As in, “I know your heart can
get messy sometimes. I know,
because mine can, too. I am
good at holding things as
they fall apart. It is all soft
palms, here.

I will help you pick up the
pieces, every time, if you’ll
have me; if having those
shards of you recovered is
the thing you need from
this space we share.”

As in, “I know you will
inevitably say hurtful things,
and I know you will not
mean them. I know I will
not always be easy to
love, and I’m not sure I
know how to tell you that
I want everything you are.”

As in, “I will not let you be
the only one left. I will be
there to listen to you, even
when I don’t understand
you. I keep saying that stars
seem to be living beneath
your skin, and I want nothing
more than to fall further
into your sky.”

I say that I love every part
of you, knowing precisely
what it is I meant to say.
I love all your past and
all of your tomorrows; I
love the sky inside your
heart, with all its infinite
I love you, whole.
Every single star. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Emma Bleker

Check out Emma’s collection of poetry, Here’s Hoping You Never See This, here.