I Want To Be This Kind Of Woman

Zachary Staines

I want to be the kind of woman
Who makes eyes crinkle
And lips part with truths that are heavy
With the strength to lean on
The guidance to lead
And the grace to make it look easy

I want to be the kind of woman
Who sees under first impressions
The layers and quirks
Who dives into a soul and swims in its murky waters
To save drowning dreams and bring them back to the surface

I want to be the kind of woman
With a chameleon spirit who blends into her environment
And carries nothing but intuition in her purse for protection

I want to be the kind of woman
Who’s genuinely interested in the world
And prefers a conversation about astrology over cosmetology
Who knows that beauty takes you places
But intelligence keeps you there

I want to be the kind of woman
Who picks out the fake, the desperate, and the conformist like olives off a
And doesn’t hesitate to walk away from small talk or a conversation she’s

I want to be the kind of woman
Who embraces change like a lost soulmate, and welcomes risk with a kiss
Because she knows how to heal the rash on her ass when life pulls out the
carpet underneath

I want to be the kind of woman
Who knows better than to trust the same hands that pushed her down to pick
her up
So she stands alone
I want to be the kind of woman
Who knows that you often don’t get what you deserve, you get what you
So you better be bold

I want to be the kind of woman
Who draws a thick line for troubled lovers who waste her time
One who decides when enough is enough and has the integrity to choose
logic over love

I want to be the kind of woman
Who finds more peace raving naked to European house music
Than sitting before a therapist in a suit who charges by the hour

The kind of woman who jumps first off a cliff in a group of hairy Arab men with
Bro-tein chests
A woman who doesn’t get the fuss over Sadie Hawkins because she never
hesitated to make the first move

A woman who’s not afraid to admit she likes sex in a country that takes its
women from the back to preserve their hymens
A woman who makes an effort to learn the language of the land she’s in and

I’ve wanted to be her for as long as I can remember

Some of us never live to see who we really are
And most of us kill ourselves trying

But once in a while
We might be stubborn enough to become the kind of people we chase

And if we’re lucky
We’ll notice

About the author

Elsa Moreck

Elsa Moreck is an author and life coach based in Austin, Texas.

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