There is Nothing More I Want In Life Than Profound Happiness

I want to wake up in the morning next to the person I love. I want to walk the streets at midnight talking about random stuff and laughing at every funny and corny joke we throw at each other.


There is nothing more I want in life than profound happiness. I want to wake up in the morning next to the person I love. I want to walk the streets at midnight talking about random stuff and laughing at every funny and corny joke we throw at each other.

There is nothing more I want in life than profound happiness. I want to go home tired and not rant about how horrible my day has been because I know that home is a place where refuge awaits. There is nothing grander than a warm hug on a cold night; not even the greatest scientific breakthrough could ever replace the power of love’s manifestation in touch and spirit.

There is nothing more I want in life than profound happiness. I want to witness how the auburn sky gradually fades to black, leaving nothing but the pieces of evidence of how light could travel light-years and still be able to reach its destination with the same sense of beauty. There is nothing more magical than seeing how love can take different forms, how love can go to extremes or opposite poles yet still be able to carry with it the message of complementing – of knowing the bright days will never be eternal so the dark nights could display the stars.

There is nothing more I want in life than profound happiness. In the midst of insufficiencies and faltering, I want to find the intangible cure. I want to feel that nothing could ever come to par with the simplicity of care and motivation and how it could take different forms and be omnipresent. This happiness of life is not meant to be expensive – so is the answer to its sadness.

There is nothing more I want in life than profound happiness, for at the end of the day, he who goes home to the warmth of a hug and the bliss of a smile is the one who is truly alive.

So, live. And as you sojourn, love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark