Am I Ever Going To Get Over You?

Shutterstock / Amelia Fox
Shutterstock / Amelia Fox

There are a lot of things I know for sure. I know for a fact that the grass we see through our eyes is green. I know that the force of gravity pulls objects down And I know for sure that I am not over you, and not over the way things ended between us.

There are things I am not certain about. I don’t know how many different species of fish there are in the Chesapeake Bay, I don’t know if Rob Kardashian ever got skinny again, and I definitely don’t know how I am going to get over you. I don’t know how I’m going to get over it, over us. How am I supposed to get over something that never happened?

I still think a lot about the words you told me. I remember them like you told me 20 minutes ago. And it’s mind boggling to think about how different things are now. You’re a university girl, and I am the boy back home who it didn’t work out with. Whenever I leave school to walk to my car I think about last semester. I think about how it was just us two. I never had to make that walk to my car alone, and neither did you. I used to call you every day after I got off work. I used to meet you at the coffee shop and share in conversation. I used to kiss you on my couch and pull your hips close into mine. 12 months ago I knew the sound of your voice like reciting the words to my favorite song, and today I don’t even have your number programed into my phone.

I wish I had some way to thank you. If I did I would thank you for showing me how it feels to be loved. You came into my life in a time where I felt no one could love me but yet you somehow did. And I know I never got to call you my girlfriend, but at least your heart was mine.

To this day I still think of ways that I could have reciprocated your feelings better. I never wanted you to be the one who got away, but I just wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready for someone who was as wonderful and caring as you. It was so simple the love you had for me, so electrifying, so palatable. It hurts when I see your pictures, and I try to stay away from your friends. I don’t go to coffee shops, I just make my cup at home. There are songs I don’t listen to, and corners of the library that used to be ours which I no longer care to explore.

The world “almost” is my biggest enemy. You almost loved me, I was almost your boyfriend, and we were almost great. It’s hard to get over this because I only want to show you how it could have been, and how it should have been. All the “what ifs” are constantly on my mind, and I can only dream about the day I can make it up to you. I think to myself what I am going to do when the next girl tells me the same words you told me. Am I supposed to believe her too? A time will come for me to get over you, to get over it, to get over us.

But that time is just not now. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

David Lorenzo

Government and Politics student at the University of Maryland.

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