25 Cringeworthy Sex Moves That Girls Wish Guys Would Stop Doing

21. When guys excessively scratch your back. My back is not a canvas for your male dominance. I am not a scratching post. A little scratch is good. A lot is evidence.

22. Sucking on anything like you’re trying to get juice out of it. The labia, clitoris, and nipples do not need to be sucked as if they are full of something you’re trying to get at. It honestly feels like a weird clinical exam. Stick to the basics here and just do not try to fit as much in your mouth as you possibly can, no one needs that.

23. Attempting to penetrate deeper every time as if it’s a contest. There is no buzzer on my cervix that will initiate an orgasm when you hit it. It just hurts and it’s pretty weird.

24. Saying that you hate condoms but putting it on anyway and then trying to take it off every five minutes. We don’t like condoms either. They just prevent pregnancy and life-threatening disease, okay? That’s the realness. Either wear it and shut up about it or just don’t have sex with me. Stop trying to be a condom ninja who makes it “suddenly” fall off. You’re not. I can see and feel all your stealthy attempts.

25. When you’re on top and guys try to make it into their moment. Guys. You’re trying to do all this pelvic rotating, thumb on the clitoris massaging, girl-I’ll-blow-your-mind rubbing and it’s good intentioned, but it’s just unnecessary. There is a REASON I am on top. Let me have this.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark


Want more writing like this? Check out Thought Catalog’s original book, Girls? You can read it on Amazon here.

Crissy is a writer living and lol’ing in Los Angeles. She’s on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for better or worse.

Keep up with Crissy on Twitter and frizzyfilazzo.tumblr.com

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