Through Rain Or Shine, It Will Always Be You

Joanna Nix / Unsplash

There is rain and sunshine everywhere you turn, but life is about finding the storm you’re willing to face each time it resurfaces and I’ve found the one worth it all. He’s the reason storm drenched clothes aren’t so bad, instead he’s shown me new ways to dance in the rain.

Everything that doesn’t quite meet the eye is guarded behind his fierce barrier, but trust me when I say it’s worth the wait. There have been instances I would’ve been willing to bet his walls were raised as high as heaven’s clouds, though some days are better than others.

I choose the man behind the good and the, “could’ve been better” days.

I’ve found the one that holds my heart in his hands with such honor and integrity. Each day my smile can tell a story about the happiness that now lives inside of who I am when I’m with him.

I’ve found the one that anchors me to all things good, letting the toxic particles flow overhead. He’s the one that turns his cheek to chaos, rather than feeding into it. I’m a better person for knowing him.

I’ve found the one that keeps my head in the game and refuses to see me stray from the right set of tracks. He cares for my well being, and though it often ruffles a few feathers I know it’s with the best intentions at heart.

I’ve found the one that is determined to let me live without disappointment crowding my corner, he clears the cobwebs and kills the spiders.

I’ve found the one that always puts me first, despite the length of his day that has just concluded. He’s a hard worker down to his core and I admire his determination. I know that one day, with a family of his own, he will do whatever is necessary.

I’ve found the one instilled with passion of forging flames, he very rarely has a way with words but his eyes tell me everything I need to know.

I’ve found the one that doesn’t see the sparkle in his eye, but constantly reminds me of my own. Each time he refuses a compliment, his down to earth qualities multiply in significance.

I’ve found the one that feels like home, safe and inviting. He is the porch light left on for me, in such a dark and cold world.

He has introduced me to a feeling you cannot replicate without fraudulence.

No matter what the storm brings I’ve found a million reasons to brace myself from it. Too much sun, and you’ll burn. Too many storms, and you’ll drown. I’ve found sunshine mixed with a little bit of hurricane and I’ve never had so many reasons to smile, before now. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Courtney Bygness

Some stories are hard to tell, but I am learning to speak.

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