This Couple Just Had A Breakup Fight On Twitter And All These Tweets Are Nuts

Nothing is too personal to use in a Twitter fight, amirite??


Instagram / kencaveee & Twitter/ @almostKj

There are lots of different ways that breakups can happen. Maybe somebody is moving away, or you’ve just grown apart, or you’ve had a huge argument.

Well, this couple did have a huge argument. But it wasn’t a fight that your parents would’ve had. The entire thing unfolded on Twitter.

It started with this tweet from the boyfriend, :

Twitter / @almostKj

This was apparently a subtweet toward his girlfriend, @Kencaveee, who didn’t want to go out. 

She decided to call him out:

Twitter / @Kencaveee

And everything just start going downhill really, really quickly:

Twitter / @almostKj
Twitter / @Kencaveee

She got a lot of retweets on that comeback.

Twitter / @almostKj

Um, wow, this is a lot of information about their personal life.

Nothing is too personal to use in a Twitter fight, amirite??

Twitter / @Kencaveee

Um, what?

Twitter / @almostKj
Twitter / @Kencaveee

Who are these people that they are dragging into this social media brouhaha?

Twitter / @almostKj

Meanwhile, outside this thread, @Kencaveee makes clear that her and this guy are 100% done:

Twitter / @Kencaveee

But @almostKj decided to start fighting her on this point too:

Twitter / @almostKj

He tried to start playing it off like they were never “actually” a “couple,” but she comes back at him on this idea:

Twitter / @Kencaveee

And for some reason, he decided this was the right time to start bragging about how much he cheated (on someone he previously claimed to have not even dated?).

Twitter / @almostKj


Twitter / @Kencaveee

Plot twist: she was sleeping with his dad?

Twitter / @almostKj

He claims to be laughing with his “pops”, but wait for the surprise at the end:

Twitter / @Kencaveee

This whole conversation seems too crazy to be real, but who knows? The internet is a wild, wild place.

A random sample of twitter users based on my very brief scan of Twitter seems to have @Kencaveee as the winner. But did anyone really win except for those of us who got to watch? Thought Catalog Logo Mark