All Hail: The 10 Baddest Bitches On TV

Television is slowly changing the way women are portrayed. But just how far have females come? Are they idols for feminism or just another source of entertainment? This is a list of various female icons in recent television (I use the term ‘recent’ loosely). While there are plenty more obvious ones to pick, this is definitely a list of overlooked underdogs that shouldn’t be ignored, because everyone knows it’s the underdog who always ends up on top.
American Horror Story
American Horror Story

1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer – Willow Rosenberg

Joss Whedon is the leader of creating strong females in all of his artistic endeavors. Every female in this show actually could have been the pick but Willow is definitely a firm favorite. From her love for education and learning to her determination to protect and care for her friends and Tara. Willow was one of the very first out and proud lesbians in television, which is still a big thing in mainstream media. Willow’s loyalty towards her friends and the sheer strength she has when she gets her heartbroken when Tara is shot is phenomenal. Willow is so outraged that she almost ends the entire world. How hardcore is that?

2. Veronica Mars – Veronica Mars

Kristin Bell plays the protagonist in this curiously progressive noir detective series. This show is rather overlooked when it comes to great television but it’s definitely not one to forget. A girl detective who has to deal with issues at school, an alcoholic mother who’s missing and a dead best friend. Yet she does it with such grace and such finesse. This little lady is not only fierce but insanely perceptive and determined. She will not let any man stand in her way, nor will she let anything come between her and her dreams of going to Stanford. A definite role model all round.

3. Taystee – Orange is the New Black

This entire cast is swarming with strong female characters, from Laverne Cox to Laura Prepon. So much so, that it was imperative that at least one was selected for this list. Taystee is a strong female, with a love for literature and a dislike for the exploitation of young girls in Toddlers and Tiaras. She’s feisty, loves her friends dearly, is outspoken and her dancing is on point. Taystee for president.

4. Debra Morgan – Dexter

So we all might remember Jennifer Carpenter in the famous changing room scene in White Chicks. But this lady has really stepped up her game, by gaining a very iconic role in a cult TV show. She plays the protagonists younger sister who ends up becoming Miami Metro’s youngest sergeant in its history. She falls in love with a serial killer who she’s almost murdered by. She has been involved in her fair share of shootouts only to come out stronger than ever. Debra Morgan is a hurricane of swear words, loyalty and bitter vengeance. Step down Dexter, it’s Debra that we want to watch.

5. Lindsay Weir – Freaks and Geeks

Judd Apatow’s earlier work that should never have been cut so soon. With a cast that was later to become household names due to their rise in fame. There was one actress who never got as far. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t as memorable. Lindsay begins as a fairly neutral if not nerdy girl who decides to take a dip in the rebel pool. With James Franco and Jason Segel cheering her on, she becomes a part of their gang. But don’t think Lindsay’s gone soft, she’s still stubborn and badass. She doesn’t lead people on and she doesn’t let people dictate what she does, despite cute guys persuading her to do so. Lindsay Weir is cool in her own right, with an attitude and an abundance of originality.

6. Shane Mcutcheon – The L Word

So all the ladies of the L word are strong in their own right. The reason that Shane has been picked is due to the way her strength is different to the others. She’s known as quite a player and has even broken a few hearts along the way, even that of her best friends. But her loyalty is unwavering. When Jenny asks the other members of the film crew to walk with her when she’s dismissed, only Shane follows, not to mention giving another friend a job when she’s in need and staying with a girl because she doesn’t want to hurt her feelings even though she knows she doesn’t love her. She might not do the right things, but her heart is in the right place and that’s important.

7. Max Black – 2 Broke Girls

Portrayed by the beautiful Kat Dennings, Max Black is the epitome of our current day female sexual liberation. Written by Whitney Cummings and that guy who writes Two and a Half Men. But you can definitely see Max is Whitney’s dark magic. Max is an unapologetic, feisty, self motivated power house who has a passion for youtube videos of kittens and whiskey. She sleeps around and smokes weed, but these aren’t the be all and end all of her character, she’s a caring friend who looks out for her own and trusts barely anyone. Sometimes it’s important to put yourself first, and Max portrays this beautifully.

8. Jessica Day – New Girl

Jessica Day is a force to be reckoned with. She loves polka dots, ribbons and she’s touched glitter in the past 24 hours. But why would that make her any less strong? This lady is the perfect combination of stereotypical femininity and strength. Living with men is difficult enough, it’s even more difficult when there’s three of them and they all act around the age of 3. I should know, I used to live with 7. She always speaks her mind, and stands up for what she believes in, plus her friendship with her best friend Cece just goes to show how hardy some female bonds can be. Oh she teaches too. Anyone who can put up with a classroom of screaming whiney children is a hero in my eyes.

9. Madison Montgomery – American Horror Story

American Horror Story

Emma Roberts plays this sophisticated, sharp tongued madam who doesn’t let anything hold her back. Even when she’s gang raped by drunken schoolboys, instead of going to the police and letting them deal with it, she trusts no one and takes matters into her own hands by crashing the school bus they’re on. Nothing says justice like severed limbs. This firecracker is all powerful and may WELL be the next supreme. It’s best you don’t get on the wrong side of her. Actually, scratch that. Just avoid her at all costs.

10. Michonne – The Walking Dead

Michonne is yet another leading lady not to be messed with. It’s still a very exciting thing to witness women of colour in television having a strong character. She’s not a woman of words, but what she lacks in speech she makes up for in quickly distributed justice, from turning some Walkers into a decoy to seeking vengeance on the Governer. Ghandi said that an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, but that didn’t stop Michonne. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Charity Aria

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