An Open Letter To My (Not Quite) Forever Love

An Open Letter To My (Not Quite) Forever Love
Dominik Martin

I want you to know that I miss you and I wonder how you’re doing. But as I shed tears over the empty bed next to me, and as I crave the smell of your cologne against my skin, I know in my heart that it was time to let go. It was time to let go of the things that were holding us back. It was time to let go of lives that would never align. It was time to let go of the pressures to change. It was time to set each other free.

I want you to know that I look back on us with no regrets, and that all I see in my memories is your big, beautiful smile – a smile that brought me more joy I thought I could find. A smile that taught me to live in the moment and to appreciate the little things.

I want you to know that you’ve changed me. God put you in my life at a time when nothing made sense and everything felt broken. Yet you quickly helped me put the pieces that I was missing back together.

I want you to to know how much you helped me understand parts of me I never even knew I had, and allowed me to explore life in a way I never have before. You helped me see so much beauty in the world, in people – in me. You allowed me to let go and feel light for the very first time in my life.

I want you to know that I’m forever grateful. You’ve given me hope to believe in something beautiful – in a love I never thought I deserved. You cherished me in ways I’ll never forget, and you helped me see a future I never knew I could have.

I hope you do nothing but amazing things in life, and I hope you find someone who can love every single piece of you – even the ones that I couldn’t.

I hope you know that you’re forever treasured in my heart. But most of all, I hope you’re happy and that you find everything you ever dreamed of.

Maybe one day we’ll cross each other’s paths again. But for now, It’s time to say goodbye.

Farewell, My Love. I hope life treats you kind. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Camila Cymring

Equal parts coffee & sarcasm 💁🏻☕️

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