Just Say Yes

Just say yes.

Yes to the date.

Yes to the accepted admissions decision to your dream university.

Yes to the unknown. Yes to the uncertainty.

Yes to adventure. Yes to your nervous feelings.

Yes to your fears. Yes to your vacations.

Yes to new experiences. Yes to your emotions.

“Yes, I’m sad.” Accept your feelings for what they are. You are a human being. Feelings are human nature. Saying yes to everything allows you to experience life in its fullest form. You deserve to experience life in its fullest form. The world is an amazing place… why spend it in one city? Say yes to that plane ticket. Say yes to that train departure. Say yes to that bus pass. Say yes to living your life. Say yes to feel a smile upon your face. Say yes to taking risks. Say yes to taking chances.

Just say yes. Say yes to moving to that new city. Say yes to that new job offer. Say yes to exploring the world. Say yes to exploring your emotions.

You deserve to say yes to the aspects of life that make you feel alive. Say yes to give permission to feel alive, to thrive. Just say yes. Say yes to new habits. Say yes to a new routine. Say yes to the possibility of by saying yes, you could be one “YES” from changing your life for the better.

Say yes to living your dreams. Anything other than that, you are living someone else’s dream.

Say yes to new opportunities. Say yes to new possibilities. Just say yes. Say yes to the new you.

Say yes to a new mindset. Say yes to new perspectives.

The world will open new doors for you once you start saying yes to keeping your mind open to possibilities.

Say yes to putting yourself first. Say yes to knowing you deserve better in your life. The universe will open up for you once you allow it to work in your favor. All you need to do is say yes.

About the author

Chase Christensen

Follow me on Instagram @simplychasinglife