If You Fall In Love With Me

If you fall in love with me, fall in love with my body and how I won’t ever have the perfect figure. Fall in love with my personality, and how funny my laugh is, especially when it’s that tea kettle laugh that can happen from laughing so hard. Fall in love with my impatience and jealous moods. Fall in love with my scars, marks and my soul. I want you to fall in love with my good and my bad.

If you fall in love with me, I can’t promise you that it will be easy, but I promise you that I won’t give up—it will be worth it. You can give me your heart, and I won’t break it. If you fall in love with me I will encourage you every day to reach your goals. I’ll show you my favorite songs, movies, and books—everything that brings me joy and sadness.

If you fall in love with me, I’ll take you to all my favorite spots in this big city we call home and kiss you in these places. So, when you go back, you will remember the taste of my lips and the feelings it left with you. Fall in love with me because I’ll give you my heart fully, and I trust that you won’t break it.

But If you’re going to fall in love with me, don’t only fall in love with me on my best days. Don’t fall in love with the way I look when I’ve spent time putting on makeup or taking hours to straighten my curly hair. Fall in love with my crazy hair in the mornings, and the fact that my freckles are still noticeable under my makeup. Fall in love with my indecisiveness, and that sometimes I won’t be easy to handle. Fall In love with me entirely or not at all. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sasha Rueda

I write about romance and other things