I Just Want To Know Everything About You

When I say that I want to know everything about you I don’t mean I want to know your favorite color or your favorite food. Don’t get me wrong I want to know those too, but I want to know the deeper things. I want to know what makes you you.

I want to know your story. I want to hear about how you risked it all to pursue your dreams. I want to know about all the dead-end jobs you worked in order to stay afloat. I want to hear about your struggles and then I want to know about the exact moment you knew your hard work paid off.

I want to know your childhood. I want to know about the first time you lost someone you loved. I want to know about your parents’ divorce. I want to know about how you became the man of the house when your grandfather died. I want to know why you can’t forgive yourself for what happened to your sister. I want to feel all the emotion, all the pain you’ve been through. I want to be able to be there for you in the way you deserve.

I want to know about your past relationships. I want to know why it never worked out with anyone else. I want to know what makes you fall in love with someone. I want to know what drives you crazy. I want to know what makes you mad. I want to know what you consider unforgivable. I want to know how to love you. I want to understand you.

I want to know about how you battled your demons. How you turned to drugs and alcohol as your salivation. How you almost lost everything you had worked so hard for. I want to know every thought that went through your mind when your world was collapsing around you. I want to know how you were able to pull yourself out of such a dark place and become such a terrific man. I want to love all the things other people would consider to be unlovable.

I want to know your body. I want to know how you got every scar that is scattered across your body. I want to know what parts of your body you’re self-conscious about. I want to know every inch of you.

I want to know your heart and mind. I want to know where your mind wanders before you’re about to fall asleep. I want to know what your safe haven is. I want to know your thought process when things don’t go your way. I want to know how you handle fame. I want to know if you follow your head or your heart when making decisions. I want to know where your breaking point is. I want to know what makes you cry uncontrollably. I want to know why your most important people are your most important.

I want to know what you see for the future. I want to know what your dreams are. I want to know where you see yourself in your career. I want to know how many kids you want. But most importantly, I want to know if you see me because for me, you are my future.

About the author

Emily Yaritz

Despite everything. Because of everything.