Don’t Jump And Fall

Don’t go up that building. Don’t go out that door on the top. Don’t go up to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Don’t cry hysterically thinking you’re hopeless. Don’t rage out full of anger thinking your life is over. Don’t think about going up to that top door. Don’t go to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Don’t let the fears from people continue to rise. Don’t let the tears shed from anyone’s eyes. Don’t let the phones start ringing 911. Don’t go up to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Don’t send a text to your boyfriend saying “goodbye”. Don’t send a text to your best friend saying “goodbye”. Don’t let your family know that this is “goodbye”. Don’t go up to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Don’t let the police cars surround the streets of the building. Don’t let the ambulances arrive being prepared for the jump. Don’t let them get the trampoline out getting ready for you to jump. Don’t go up to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Don’t leave the people behind wondering when they could have made a difference. Don’t let the mourns of death happen after the jump. Don’t go up to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Don’t feel pain and feel no gain. Don’t feel threatened that the future isn’t set. Don’t mention that what ifs. Don’t worry about yesterday. Don’t go up to the top of that building. Don’t jump and fall.

Take a step back. Walk to the door and go in. Go down the stairs where you came up. Go home, call someone, tomorrow is a new day! Fresh start! You’re going to get through it!

Don’t jump and fall. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Louis Scarantino

Autism Advocate, Writer, Motivational Speaker