15 People On What They Wish Guys Knew In The Bedroom

15 People On What They Wish Guys Knew In The Bedroom

A friend and I were talking about our experiences with men and what we wish they would and wouldn’t do. It really got me thinking, and so I went to social media and asked a bunch of people the same question: what do you wish guys knew in the bedroom? 

1. “Where the clit is.” –Sarah, 27

2. “I wish men knew that less than 20% of women orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, and therefore jack hammering someone’s cervix is not it. Equally I wish men knew sex is a failure if both parties don’t finish.”–Allie, 21

3. “Asking for consent will never bring the mood down.” –Raquel, 23

4. “As a gay boy, I wish guys knew how to tell you when they’re uncomfortable. Like they will have this awful facial expression…then when you ask them about it, they say they’re fine!! OPEN UP MAN!” –Charlie, 22

5. “I wish they knew how to find the right hole.” –Shannon, 25

6. “It’s cool if you don’t want to go further. I’m not going to think any less of your masculinity if you just want to cuddle or tell me “no.” Consent goes both ways.” –Jess, 27

7. “Respect for women must continue whether you’re in the public eye or not.” –Mikayla, 18

8. “I wish a guy could tell when I want to be more romantic rather than rough. Every now and then I want both and I don’t necessarily know how to state that.” –Andrea, 23

9. “FOREPLAY IS IMPORTANT! There’s a reason why women love foreplay. It 100% makes things more interesting.” –Kate, 22

10. “Take your time. It’s okay to make eye contact, laugh a bit, tease and go slooooow. The most sensitive parts of our bodies don’t need to be pounded to be pleasured.” –Olivia, 27

11. “Eat more ass.” –Ricco, 23

12. “I wish men recognized and acknowledged that each woman is different. Stop assuming that all women have the same desires and that you know your partner’s body better than she does simply because something might have worked for a past partner. Each sexual encounter is a new experience with a unique person.” –Carly, 26

13. “Girls take time. Slow it down a little! Also, doing the same thing every time is boring and switching it up is key!!!” –Lauryn, 19

14. “Gum wouldn’t hurt. Or bring a toothbrush to parties so you can brush your teeth before we hookup.” –Cameron, 20

15. “Sex isn’t necessarily over after you’ve orgasmed. There is so much emotional electricity between both partners afterwards (and unfortunately most guys don’t know what to do other than say something cliche, roll over and grab for their phones.) Simple things really speak to me, even as little as just making eye contact and caressing one another while the flame dies out.” –Casey, 22 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kelly Peacock

Brooklyn-based poet, writer, avid coffee drinker, and music lover.