The Kind Of President I Would Actually Want

I want a president who isn’t afraid of standing for what he believes in, or against what he doesn’t.


flag of USA on grass field
Aaron Burden / Unsplash

I want a president who curses but only out of passion. I don’t want to hear derogatory language towards women just because you couldn’t handle the fire within her. I don’t want to hear derogatory language towards African Americans because you feel threatened by their worth. I don’t want to hear derogatory anything because you view someone as somehow being less than you. Allow me to break it to you, no one could be closer to the ground than you are, President Trump.

I want a president who knows the worth of those around him and doesn’t wish to step on that.

I want a president who wakes up at 5 in the morning to see the sunrise because it’s the simple things that matter most.

I want a president who isn’t afraid of standing for what he believes in, or against what he doesn’t.

I want a president who puts himself low so others can feel what it’s like to be high.

I want a president who isn’t afraid of the truth, but sadly, it doesn’t take much to get under your paper skin, does it?

I want a president who’s been where we’ve been. Who’s felt what we’ve felt.

I want a president who listens more and talks less.

I want a president who breaks glass ceilings every day and is proud of what they’ve spent their life creating.

I want a president who practices mindful thinking, not mindless tweeting.

I want a president who would throw themselves in front of a bus for us, but unfortunately, I think you’re the one driving the bus, Mr. Trump.

I want a president who does yoga.

I want a president who wakes up every day blessed to be alive.

I want a president who practices kindness in the most sincere way.

Because that’s what makes a president worthwhile, President Trump. Thought Catalog Logo Mark