One Day, You Will Look Back On Your 20s And Wish You Did More

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Joe Gardner / Unsplash

Imagine you’ve hopped into a time capsule 40-50 years into the future. Now, obviously you cannot predict what is going to happen, but think about being that age and the things you hope to have accomplished. Now think about being the age you are now. Are you fulfilled? Do you wish to do more? Are there things you want to do but you keep holding them off? Do them now and do your future self a favour, so you don’t ever have to say, “I wish I did more.”

You have more time than you think, yet you pressure yourself so you compare your journey to others’, which is ridiculous, as we all run on entirely different schedules. It’s very easy to spend your life pondering and hoping that things will change, that things will happen. But the truth is you can get more out of life if you do the things that you want to do, the things that scare you the most.

Many of us have dreams and aspirations, and only a small percentage of us execute those. We spend years dreaming as we keep aging. The truth is those dreams never go away, they just become harder to achieve, and you will end up feeling regretful when the time is up.

Life is not a dream—life is real. Life is happening right now, every single moment of every single day, and that is out of your control, but don’t keep dwelling on that. Live it and embrace every opportunity that comes your way because the same moment will never happen twice.

Don’t just exist, live.

Think of when you’re older and sharing your stories with the younger generation. They are curious, and they will ask you about your life and what you have achieved, because you are wise and you have lived. Now, is it not far more satisfying to tell them that you lived your life to the fullest compared to telling them you let everything pass you by?

If you ever find yourself thinking along the lines of “I wish I did that” or “I want to do that, but I don’t know if I can,” just know: you can.

There are always ways of making what you want to do happen. You have got to stop doubting yourself and do more, learn more, read more, and, most importantly, live more.

You have one life—make it count. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Molly Guilmant

I just write from experience.

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