Ranking The Top 10 Best Moments From The Hills In Honor Of Their Return

The Hills are back and it is giving us all the mid-2000 nostalgia feels.

Throw on some Uggs and grab your favorite headband and get ready to feel really old. During the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards, they revealed the 2019 trailer of The Hills New Beginnings. LC and Kristin won’t be joining the cast… I can’t blame them but I am also heartbroken. Stephanie Pratt is that familiar raspy voice you hear in the trailer saying, “It’s like we’re all growing up.” Rumor has it Whitney, Spencer, Heidi, Audrina, and Jason will be on the reunion show.

This time will be less Les Deux clubbing nights and more baby play dates, but I am still ready to pop the champagne and order the pizza for the premiere!

PS just in case you were wondering or feeling Kristin withdrawal she has her own reality series called Very Cavallari which is about running her store and lifestyle brand in Nashville. The show’s drama is between her employees and not Kristin for once, but don’t worry Kristin always has something say. Her drama is tamer than her Cabo days, but Kristin isn’t dunzo with reality TV yet!

Now in honor of The Hills reunion here is an excuse to look back at their best moments in all their glory.

10. The Perfect Mascara Tear

Lauren desperately trying to save her and Audrina’s friendship. The division started with the girls when Laguna OG Lo (Lauren’s BFF since 3rd grade) came back into the picture. The new dynamic was a shift and Audrina distanced herself in the guest house. Audrina’s obvious jealousy of Lauren and Lo’s history caused her to feel left out, leaving Lauren to feel like she “has lost another friend.”

9. Date With The Past

This warms my little black heart! I realize it has been 14 years and Lauren is married now, but I am still rooting for LC and Stephen. Although nothing happened on this date and I can feel Lauren’s heartbreaking through the screen when he utters the word “platonic.” The memory lane night did not end in tears, but it ended with Lauren eating ice cream alone.

8. Whitney Falls

I know there are definite moments in The Hills that seem/were scripted, but this was by far the most genuine moment throughout the series. No one plans to fall. Whitney modeling Hilary Swank’s navy jersey Oscar dress takes a tumble down the steps live on Good Morning America. Poor Whitney cried backstage in front of her work nemesis Emily.

This moment deserves a spot on our list because it reminded us normal people watching that even beautiful 5’11” interns who look like models are not perfect. Whitney’s fall embraced the real to this reality show. It showed us that this was not just a show about eating Pinkberry and buying Chanel bags. As Whitney’s boss described it as a very “endearing moment.”

7. “I Want To Forgive You And I Want To Forget You”

If there is one thing The Hills taught us was breaking up with a best friend can be harder than breaking up with a boyfriend. This was the first Heidi and Lauren interaction after the infamous, “ You know what you did” incident at the club.

6. Naming Justin Bobby

Thank you, Lo, for giving us Justin Bobby, this was the start of something great. If you look closely you can feel the tension start between Lo and Audrina. A girl clique is much more difficult than a boy clique. The old best friend and the new best friend almost never like each other. Add in another loser boyfriend to the mix- this was the beginning of the end for Lauren and Audrina. The teams have officially been divided Lo and Lauren against Audrina and Justin Bobby.

5. Always Choose Paris

Summer in Malibu with an abusive boyfriend who probably cheats on you, and made out with Jessica behind your back at your fashion show or summer interning with Teen Vogue in Paris to advance your career in the fashion world? It is a toughie…. but my betting money is always on the bad boy. Good girls are naive fools, love you LC.

4. “You Don’t Think I Look Good.”

This was a heartbreaking mother-daughter moment. Heidi went through intense plastic surgery- ultimately changing her entire face. This was a pretty insane procedure for a naturally beautiful 21-year-old girl to do, but I think now this message more than ever should be heard.

In 2018 girls under 25 are getting the most unnecessary procedures done to their face. In my opinion, I miss the pre-Kardashian world where this was not as socially acceptable. From lip fillers to botox, to nose jobs, sure they are Instagram picture perfect, but in real life they look like aliens. They are different versions of the same Bratz dolls. What makes you beautiful is being unique and not looking like everyone else. If you want to change your look girls put on some makeup, do not buy a new face. Please take note from Heidi’s mistakes and do something less permanent.

3. When Spencer Makes Stephanie Cry

I am not a huge Stephanie Pratt fan, but adding this family drama into the mix with the Lauren and Heidi feud was straight-up Shakespearean.. and I am a fan of that. Reality TV gold.

2. Jen Bunney

This episode was called “With Friends Like These”. This episode was by far the most heartbreaking and real episode for Lauren. Have you ever got betrayed by your oldest childhood friend, your new best friend/roommate and the guy you like all in the same night? While you bought them diamonds for their 21st birthday- they were making out with the guy you had a crush on behind your back. The cherry on the cake was your roommate orchestrated this whole thing and later denied everything about that.

“See there are friends and there are best friends, such a different thing,” wise words Jen Bunney….Only hours later she posed for the digital camera with Brody (behind Lauren’s back) and Spencer said: “ Damn that is going on Myspace.”

I watched this episode for the first time in years while writing this. I remember watching this when I was 14 thinking wow, it is really hard to be a girl. No matter how beautiful, famous, smart, nice or talented you are the people in your life who are supposed to appreciate you the most can still hurt you. You can be the best friend in the world, but if your friends are toxic you are only hurting yourself by keeping them in your life. Being friends for a decade does not give someone the right to be shady.

It is hard enough to be rejected by the guy you like that hurts enough- but for him to choose your oldest friend over you….. The girl he chooses over you-you are supposed to hate her and your best friend is supposed to hate her with you. Your best friend isn’t supposed to be that girl that he’s with. You shouldn’t have to tell your friend that.

1. “I want Heidi To Myself.”

I want to point out that this incredible scene was the first time Spencer met Heidi’s parents….talk about a great first impression. This scene reinforces the show’s main message- do not let a guy be your whole life. Heidi gave up more than just Lauren, she gave up who she was.

She was so lost in defending him, she couldn’t let herself be wrong about him. She gave up too much to leave him. She stayed with him to prove to everyone else that they were wrong about him- even when she knew it wasn’t right. It was too late to leave.

Losing a best friend over a guy is the worst- but losing that guy too… no girl can handle that. So that girl stays because she has lost too much to leave. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jennifer Meade

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