Did Pete Davidson Give Ariana Grande and Ex Cazzie David The Same Necklace?

Pete and Ariana
Instagram / Ariana Grande

Pete Davidson started making headlines in May because of his crazy love life, and several months later, nothing has really changed. The world is obsessed with his whirlwind engagement to Ariana Grande and his über-relatable ex Cazzie David. So is it any surprise that fans are starting to dissect these relationships in excruciating detail?

Recently the three have made the news because of a meaningful necklace Pete gave Ariana… which may be the same one he gave Cazzie David?

The necklace has a firefighter logo featuring 8414, which was Pete’s father’s firefighter badge number. She got the same number tattooed on her foot. It’s especially touching because Pete’s father died in 9/11, and the comedian pays tribute to him whenever he can.


It’s definitely sweet. But if you’ve been following Pete’s relationship for a lot longer than I have (sorry), you may recognize it from somewhere.

That’s right — on Cazzie David’s neck, just six months ago.

Fans accused Pete of regifting a present that he gave to his ex, and he actually took to Instagram to dispel the rumors. According to Pete, it isn’t the same necklace at all:

“Actually I didn’t give that to my ex. Yes she had one but it was a replica. I had a bunch of replicas made. My sister and grandpa also have one. The one that Ari has is the one my dad actually died in and the one he wore his entire career and the one I’ve worn for over 17 years. I’ve actually never taken it off other than for SNL or work. So it means a lot to me.”

So, there you have it. Apparently it’s not the same necklace, even if it seems to be. Pete seemed pretty appalled that people would even speculate that he’d regift something from an ex, writing, “Please learn to be nicer and not assume the worst people. It’s a terrible way to live. Much love.”

Yes, much love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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