Just So You Know, Long Distance Relationships CAN Work

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Long distance relationships aren’t the easiest. They actually do suck. People say that long distance will never work out, which I strongly disagree. Let’s be honest here, a long distance relationship isn’t much different than a regular relationship. Yes, you’re miles apart from each other or you’re in a different time zone as one another, but that shouldn’t mean anything. A relationship, long distance or not only works if the two people are putting in equal effort.

Relationships where you are together all the time, you’re putting in the effort to see each other, you’re putting in the time to make the relationship work. Date nights, errands, phone calls, good morning texts. Those are things you can still do if you’re doing long distance, but it takes just a little more effort. You can’t just call the other up and say “Hey, I’m taking you out, pick you up at 8:00.” But you can say “Hey tell me your free days, I’m planning a video chat date for us.” Work with each other’s schedules. I’m not saying it will happen every single time, but it’s the effort that counts and when it does happen it will be like they’re not even gone. You’re letting the other know you still care.

A phone call on your break, a phone call on your way to the store or wherever, a good morning/goodnight phone call/text, the little times you have to talk to them is better than no time at all. A text any second you can to tell them you’re thinking about them, means a lot to people who are really trying to make the relationship last. Everyone has their phone in their hands long enough to send a quick “I miss you!” message. It only takes a second and they’ll reply when they can!

No, you can’t cuddle each other, you can’t hold each other when you’re down, you can’t have an intimate night with each other until you’re reunited, but if you really love one another, the wait is worth it. You’ll see each other soon, and you can do everything you’ve been waiting to do. All you need to do in the meantime is put in the little extra effort, more than you would if you were still together in person. It’s not that hard.

All I’m trying to say here is, long distance sucks, I agree, but it’s the effort and the end result that matters, everything else is just a small bump in the road that shouldn’t stop you from being with the one you love. TC mark

About the author

Kellie Watterson

Everyday I’m learning something new about life; how hard it is to handle but how easy it is to change. Everyday is a learning experience and everything I learn I want to share with the world in hopes it will help someone out there change their life.

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