I Want You To Know, You’re An Imperfect Lover

Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

I want to know
If I can tell you everything
And you won’t judge me
For you are in touch
With your own humanness
And allow them to be the cornerstone of compassion

I want to know
If you will be my partner
Not just in love
But in life
Without condition
Just because
And for free

I want to know
If you can fight fair
When you are angry
And show me
Exactly how you feel
For we are a team
And you are safe

I want to know
If you will let me in
To the unadulterated
Of your Being
And let me love you
for all that you are
With all of the woman that I am
And not a goddamn thing less

I want to know
If you can stand
For what you believe in
Yet allow yourself to fall
Every now and again
For you own the strength
In your softness
And aren’t afraid
To allow life
To penetrate

I want to know
If you will embrace me
Flaws and all
Even when we are miles and miles away

I want to know
If I can change my mind
Be wrong
Make mistakes
Feel uncertain
In your presence
And you won’t mind
Because it doesn’t fucking matter
We are just two people
Doing the best we can
On this journey

I want to know
If you can be patient
With me, you, us
And the world
For you know
It does not conform to your standards
And yet you love it, anyway

I want to know
If we can be alone
Whole and full on our own

I want to know
If we can make each other More
More of everything
We have to offer this world

I want to know
If you can encourage me
To do better
And to grow
And will you love me
Just the same
Even when I don’t

I want to know
If you will kiss my shoulders
when I’m sad
And read to me
Because you know
It soothes my soul

I want to know
If you will let me do the same
For you
And love you in all the ways
You wish to be loved

I want to know
If you are reliable
If you will show up
For yourself, me, us
This world
And meet
All of it
Exactly as it is
Exactly as you are

I want to know
If you will tell me
That it is okay
To feel nervous
To feel scared
Of being left
By love
Yet again

I want to know
If you will show me
That loving you can be easy
Even on the toughest
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About the author

Gara Steinfeld

A seeker serving seekers, human, therapist, writer, warrior

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